Avis Curbside Delivery FAQ | Avis Rent a Car

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Preferred, Preferred Plus and Premium Customers

  • Service is available if check in time is between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM
  • If returning to Curbside Delivery location, you will receive a push notification offering you the option to return the vehicle through the Curbside delivery feature. Note: push notification must be enabled.
  • The service can also be added at any time during a trip through Avis app on the “Purchase Add Ons” screen. Note: this feature is only available at locations participating in Curbside Delivery
  • The service will also be offered via email notifications and text message alerts prior to their scheduled drop-off time.
  • Avis Curbside Delivery is currently available in 35 cities, including most major airports, and can be booked via the Avis mobile app.
  • You can earn Preferred Points for this added accessory.
  • You can avoid taking the shuttle back to the airport terminal.
  • Easy to use and you do not have to carry your luggage to the airport terminal either by foot or bus transfer.
  • Saves time if you are running late for your flight.
  • Just select “Curbside Delivery” as a trip add-on in the Avis app, or through an email or SMS text message alert from Avis.
  • Drive the rented vehicle back to the lot and an Avis representative will transport you and your passengers in the same vehicle right to the airport terminal curb with your luggage.