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Meilleur tarif garanti
Créez ou connectez-vous à votre compte Budget.com pour obtenir le meilleur taux.
- Les tarifs de location de voitures d’autres sociétés de location de voitures (y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, Avis, National Enterprise, Alamo, Sixt, Dollar, Payless, etc.) ne sont pas admissibles.
- Les tarifs obtenus par l’utilisation de remises, de coupons, d’offres de surclassement, de tarifs pré-négociés (par exemple, locations de groupe, gouvernementales, d’entreprise, de voyages, de remplacement d’assurance) ou de tarifs similaires ne sont pas admissibles.
- La location de voiture incluse dans le cadre d’un forfait (p. ex., billet d’avion + hôtel + location de voiture, hôtel + location de voiture, billet d’avion + location de voiture) n’est pas admissible.
- Les tarifs de location de voiture trouvés sur un site Web d’enchères ou de vente en gros qui n’affichent le nom de la société de location de voitures qu’après l’achat ne sont pas admissibles.
- Les tarifs de location de voiture obtenus à partir d’un site Web qui nécessite une connexion de membre pour obtenir le tarif ne sont pas admissibles
Journée gratuite gagnée le 3ème jour Minimum
Offre d’une journée gratuite des frais journaliers de temps et de kilométrage sur une voiture intermédiaire (groupe C) à quatre portes pleine grandeur (groupe E). Les taxes, les frais de recouvrement de concession, les frais d’installation du client (10 $/contrat en CA) et les frais de carburant sont en sus. Des articles optionnels tels que LDW et d’autres suppléments peuvent s’appliquer et sont en sus. Offre valable sur une location d’au moins trois jours. Le locataire est responsable de tout temps supplémentaire et des frais de kilométrage sur une journée. Le coupon ne peut pas être utilisé pour les locations en aller simple. Un coupon par location. L’offre n’est pas cumulable avec d’autres coupons, promotions ou offres. Coupon valable dans les succursales Budget situées aux États-Unis contigus (à l’exception de la région métropolitaine de New York). Des vacances et d’autres périodes d’interdiction peuvent s’appliquer. Si une location commence pendant une période d’interdiction, l’ensemble de la location est bloqué et n’est pas admissible à l’utilisation du coupon. Une réservation à l’avance est requise. Le client doit fournir le numéro de profil associé au coupon.La réservation doit être annulée avant la date de location, sinon le coupon sera utilisé. L’offre est soumise à la disponibilité du véhicule au moment de la réservation et peut ne pas être disponible sur certains tarifs à certains moments. Pour les réservations effectuées le Budget.com, la journée gratuite sera appliquée au moment de la location. Budget se réserve le droit de modifier les conditions générales et l’utilisation des coupons. Budget se réserve le droit de refuser ou d’expirer des coupons à tout moment sans préavis. Les coupons ne peuvent pas être appliqués aux locations terminées. Renter must meet Budget age, driver and credit requirements. Minimum age may vary by location. An additional daily surcharge may apply for renters under 25 years old. Rental must begin on or before 12/31/23.
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The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration from time to time rates vehicles for safety standards. Based on our last review, this vehicle was rated as a 5-star vehicle. Please note these ratings are subject to change and reflect our last review.
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Best Rate Guarantee
Create or log in to your Avis.com account to get the best rate.
- Car rental rates from other car rental companies (including but not limited to Avis, National, Enterprise, Alamo, Sixt, Dollar, Payless, etc) do not qualify.
- Rates obtained through the use of discounts, coupons, upgrade offers, pre-negotiated (e.g., group, government, corporate, tour, insurance replacement rentals) or similar rates do not qualify.
- Car rental included as part of a package rate (e.g. airfare + hotel + car rental, hotel + car rental, airfare + car rental) does not qualify.
- Car rental rates found on an auction or wholesale websites which do not display the name of the car rental company until after purchase, do not qualify.
- Car rental rates obtained from a website that requires a member login order to obtain the rate do not qualify.
Free Day Earned on 3rd Day Minimum
Offer of one day free of the daily time and mileage charges on an intermediate (group C) through a full-size four-door (group E) car. Taxes, concession recovery fee, customer facility charges ($10/contract in CA) and fuel charges are extra. Optional items such as LDW and other surcharges may apply and are extra. Offer valid on minimum three-day rental. The renter is responsible for any additional time and mileage charges over one day. Coupon cannot be used for one-way rentals. One coupon per rental. Offer may not be used in conjunction with any other coupon, promotion or offer. Coupon valid at Avis locations in the contiguous U.S. (excluding the New York Metro area). Holiday and other blackout periods may apply. If a rental begins during a blackout period, the whole rental is blacked out and does not qualify for use of coupon. An advanced reservation is required. Customer must provide profile number associated with the coupon. Reservation must be cancelled by rental date, or coupon will be used. Offer subject to vehicle availability at time of reservation and may not be available on some rates at some times. For reservations made on Avis.com, free day will be applied at time of rental. Avis reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions and use of coupons. Avis reserves the right to refuse or expire coupons at any time without prior notification. Coupons cannot be applied to completed rentals. Renter must meet Avis age, driver and credit requirements. Minimum age may vary by location. An additional daily surcharge may apply for renters under 25 years old. Rental must begin on or before 12/31/24.
Louer une voiture at Aéroport Intl de San Francisco (SFO)
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Aéroport Intl de San Francisco (SFO)
Adresse :
780 McDonnell Rd,
San Francisco,
United States
Téléphone :
(1) 650-877-6780
Location Type:
Heures d'exploitation :
Sun - Sat open 24 hrs
Si vous arrivez, faites la navette vers le comptoir de location et le stationnement.
Pick-up Service Available
Pour utiliser notre service de prise en charge gratuit, appelez une succursale de location directement au numéro de téléphone de la succursale indiqué sur votre confirmation de réservation. Les politiques du service de prise en charge (heures de disponibilité, distance permise, etc.) varient selon la succursale, il est donc important de téléphoner à la succursale pour prendre les dispositions nécessaires au moins 24 heures avant votre heure de prise en charge du véhicule souhaitée. Lorsque vous téléphonez à la succursale, soyez prêt à fournir tous les renseignements nécessaires, dont l’adresse précise, l’heure exacte de la prise en charge et un numéro de téléphone où nous pouvons vous joindre à ce moment-là.
Veuillez noter qu'une succursale Avis hors aéroport ne peut pas aller vous chercher à un aéroport qui a une succursale Avis. Dans ce cas, vous devez louer votre voiture à la succursale de l’aéroport ou utiliser votre propre moyen de transport vers la succursale hors aéroport où vous préférez louer votre véhicule.
L'aéroport international de San Francisco est à seulement 30 minutes en voiture des meilleures attractions de la ville. Alors, louez une voiture dès votre descente d'avion et préparez-vous à découvrir des sites impressionnants comme le Golden Gate Bridge, la forêt de séquoias côtiers de Muir Woods et le Fisherman's Wharf.
Où se trouve Avis à l'aéroport de San Francisco?
Depuis n'importe quelle aérogare, suivez les panneaux indiquant AirTrain (train aérien). Montez à bord du train Blue Line et descendez au Centre de location de voitures. Dirigez au comptoir Avis, sauf si vous êtes membre Preferred. Les membres Avis Preferred peuvent contourner le comptoir et continuer jusqu'au troisième niveau où les voitures sont garées.
Restitution des voitures de location à SFO
Le stationnement pour la restitution des voitures de location Avis à l'aéroport SFO est situé au 780 N. McDonnell Road, à San Francisco. En entrant sur le campus de l’aéroport, suivez les panneaux vers la restitution des voitures de location. Après avoir rendu votre véhicule, le train aérien (AirTrain) vous amènera à l'aérogare.
Quel âge devez-vous avoir pour louer une voiture à San Francisco, en Californie?
Les clients âgés de 21 à 24 ans qui ont une carte de crédit honorée par Avis et un permis de conduire valide peuvent payer un supplément de 27 $ par jour et louer auprès d’une sélection limitée de voitures de location. Les clients de la location de voitures standard, âgés de plus de 25 ans, peuvent louer un modèle de véhicule sans supplément.
Quel est le meilleur type de voiture à louer à San Francisco?
La température de San Francisco varie entre froide et pluvieuse et ensoleillée. Quelle que soit la saison, vous trouverez le véhicule idéal pour votre voyage grâce à une location de voiture chez Avis à l'aéroport de San Francisco.
Location d'une fourgonnette
Louer une fourgonnette est un choix judicieux si vous voyagez en groupe. Que vous soyez en voyage d'affaires avec plusieurs collègues ou que vous voyagiez avec des amis au J-Pop Summit Festival, la location d'une fourgonnette est une solution de transport pratique pour 8 à 15 passagers.
Location d'une mini-fourgonnette
Les mini-fourgonnettes offrent beaucoup d'espace pour les jambes et un espace de rangement, ce qui les rend idéales pour les familles. Si vous allez à l'aquarium ou au zoo de San Francisco avec des enfants, louez une Nissan Quest, une Honda Odyssey ou un modèle de mini-fourgonnette similaire.
Location de VUS
Bien que San Francisco soit une grande ville, elle est également proche de nombreuses activités de plein air. Si vous pêchez au Pacifica Pier, faites de la randonnée dans les séquoias côtiers ou faites du kayak dans la baie, assurez-vous de louer un VUS pour transporter votre équipement et conduire sur des routes plus accidentées.
Locations de longue durée
Les locations de voiture mensuelles Avis sont pratiques pour les nombreux travailleurs saisonniers, les travailleurs du secteur financier à court terme, les stagiaires et les vacanciers qui visitent San Francisco Une location à long terme offre de meilleurs tarifs plus longtemps vous louez et peut être gérée avec l'application Avis, facile à utiliser .
Voitures de location décapotables
Les beaux étés et la baie pittoresque de San Francisco sont des raisons parfaites pour louer une voiture de luxe. La Highway 1, particulièrement pittoresque, située le long de la côte, est plus agréable à voir dans l’une de nos décapotables de location, comme une Mustang ou une Camaro.
L'aéroport international de San Francisco est à seulement 30 minutes en voiture des meilleures attractions de la ville. Alors, louez une voiture dès votre descente d'avion et préparez-vous à découvrir des sites impressionnants comme le Golden Gate Bridge, la forêt de séquoias côtiers de Muir Woods et le Fisherman's Wharf.
Où se trouve Avis à l'aéroport de San Francisco?
Depuis n'importe quelle aérogare, suivez les panneaux indiquant AirTrain (train aérien). Montez à bord du train Blue Line et descendez au Centre de location de voitures. Dirigez au comptoir Avis, sauf si vous êtes membre Preferred. Les membres Avis Preferred peuvent contourner le comptoir et continuer jusqu'au troisième niveau où les voitures sont garées.
Restitution des voitures de location à SFO
Le stationnement pour la restitution des voitures de location Avis à l'aéroport SFO est situé au 780 N. McDonnell Road, à San Francisco. En entrant sur le campus de l’aéroport, suivez les panneaux vers la restitution des voitures de location. Après avoir rendu votre véhicule, le train aérien (AirTrain) vous amènera à l'aérogare.
Quel âge devez-vous avoir pour louer une voiture à San Francisco, en Californie?
Les clients âgés de 21 à 24 ans qui ont une carte de crédit honorée par Avis et un permis de conduire valide peuvent payer un supplément de 27 $ par jour et louer auprès d’une sélection limitée de voitures de location. Les clients de la location de voitures standard, âgés de plus de 25 ans, peuvent louer un modèle de véhicule sans supplément.
Quel est le meilleur type de voiture à louer à San Francisco?
La température de San Francisco varie entre froide et pluvieuse et ensoleillée. Quelle que soit la saison, vous trouverez le véhicule idéal pour votre voyage grâce à une location de voiture chez Avis à l'aéroport de San Francisco.
Location d'une fourgonnette
Louer une fourgonnette est un choix judicieux si vous voyagez en groupe. Que vous soyez en voyage d'affaires avec plusieurs collègues ou que vous voyagiez avec des amis au J-Pop Summit Festival, la location d'une fourgonnette est une solution de transport pratique pour 8 à 15 passagers.
Location d'une mini-fourgonnette
Les mini-fourgonnettes offrent beaucoup d'espace pour les jambes et un espace de rangement, ce qui les rend idéales pour les familles. Si vous allez à l'aquarium ou au zoo de San Francisco avec des enfants, louez une Nissan Quest, une Honda Odyssey ou un modèle de mini-fourgonnette similaire.
Location de VUS
Bien que San Francisco soit une grande ville, elle est également proche de nombreuses activités de plein air. Si vous pêchez au Pacifica Pier, faites de la randonnée dans les séquoias côtiers ou faites du kayak dans la baie, assurez-vous de louer un VUS pour transporter votre équipement et conduire sur des routes plus accidentées.
Locations de longue durée
Les locations de voiture mensuelles Avis sont pratiques pour les nombreux travailleurs saisonniers, les travailleurs du secteur financier à court terme, les stagiaires et les vacanciers qui visitent San Francisco Une location à long terme offre de meilleurs tarifs plus longtemps vous louez et peut être gérée avec l'application Avis, facile à utiliser .
Voitures de location décapotables
Les beaux étés et la baie pittoresque de San Francisco sont des raisons parfaites pour louer une voiture de luxe. La Highway 1, particulièrement pittoresque, située le long de la côte, est plus agréable à voir dans l’une de nos décapotables de location, comme une Mustang ou une Camaro.
Voyage en voiture de l'aéroport de San Francisco
Si vous êtes intéressé par un voyage sur la route avec des vues à couper le souffle, des paysages variés, des animaux marins et même un volcan, alors vous serez comblés. Commençant et se terminant à San Francisco, ce voyage en voiture présente certains des meilleurs endroits à visiter en Californie du Nord. En savoir plus...
Voyage en voiture de l'aéroport de San Francisco
Si vous êtes intéressé par un voyage sur la route avec des vues à couper le souffle, des paysages variés, des animaux marins et même un volcan, alors vous serez comblés. Commençant et se terminant à San Francisco, ce voyage en voiture présente certains des meilleurs endroits à visiter en Californie du Nord. En savoir plus...
Pick-up Service Available
Pour utiliser notre service de prise en charge gratuit, appelez une succursale de location directement au numéro de téléphone de la succursale indiqué sur votre confirmation de réservation. Les politiques du service de prise en charge (heures de disponibilité, distance permise, etc.) varient selon la succursale, il est donc important de téléphoner à la succursale pour prendre les dispositions nécessaires au moins 24 heures avant votre heure de prise en charge du véhicule souhaitée. Lorsque vous téléphonez à la succursale, soyez prêt à fournir tous les renseignements nécessaires, dont l’adresse précise, l’heure exacte de la prise en charge et un numéro de téléphone où nous pouvons vous joindre à ce moment-là.
Veuillez noter qu'une succursale Avis hors aéroport ne peut pas aller vous chercher à un aéroport qui a une succursale Avis. Dans ce cas, vous devez louer votre voiture à la succursale de l’aéroport ou utiliser votre propre moyen de transport vers la succursale hors aéroport où vous préférez louer votre véhicule.
Modalités et conditions
Optional Coverages
What products reduce the amount I have to pay if the vehicle is damaged during the rental?
If you have Damage Waiver (CDW) and the vehicle, keys, any accessories or any vehicle documents are damaged, the amount you have to pay for the damage will be reduced to no more than the excess stated on your rental agreement meaning you will pay for the cost of repair or replacement plus a damage processing fee of 45.98 Euro and loss of use of 56.87 Euro or the excess, whichever is less. If you can show the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund these costs to you. If you can show the damage was less than we said, we will refund you the difference.
How much is the excess?
Customer is liable for full value of the Avis vehicle if Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is not taken. Purchase of CDW reduces liability to an amount between 1452.00 Euro and 3025.00 Euro depending on car group rented in the event of an accident or damage to the Avis vehicle.
How do I get Damage Waiver?
In most cases, Damage Waiver is provided with the vehicle as standard. If its included, it will be stated on your rental agreement and in your booking confirmation email. If it is not included, the price depends on the vehicle you are renting and the place you are renting it from. But you can expect it to cost between 28.64 Euro and 75.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Is there an excess reduction product available to reduce my excess further?
Yes, Super Damage Waiver (SCDW) is an excess reduction product which reduces your excess to zero. The price depends on the vehicle and location but you can expect it to costs between 19.12 Euro and 50.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Will I need to pay if the windscreen or any other window is damaged?
Yes. However, Windscreen Protection reduces the amount you have to pay if the windscreen or any other window is damaged to zero. Having windscreen protection also means you will not pay an admin fee.
How do I get Windscreen Protection?
If you have bought Windscreen Protection, it will be stated on your rental agreement. The price depends on the vehicle you are renting and the place you are renting it from. But you can expect it to cost between 8.02 Euro and 12.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
What happens if I damage any optional extras I rent from you?
If any optional extras are damaged, you have to pay for the cost of replacement, or their estimated repair costs in addition to the rental fee.
Are there any times when the excess would not apply?
Yes, the amount you pay will not be reduced if damage was caused by or as a result of:
- Water or fire damage, that was not your fault.
- Driving the vehicle without due care and attention
- Driving or using the vehicle in breach of your contract
What do I have to pay if I do not have Damage Waiver?
If the vehicle, keys, any accessories or any vehicle documents are damaged during your rental, unless you can prove the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, you will have to pay:
- Either the cost of replacement, or the estimated repair costs whichever is cheaper
- Plus our loss of use
- Plus an administration fee
Where can I find information of damage charges I have paid?
If we find damage, we will charge the amount you have to pay to your card. Unless you have asked us to send you a receipt by post or email, you will be able to find details of this payment here http://www.avis.es/tu-avis/facturas.
What products reduce the amount I have to pay if the vehicle is lost or stolen during the rental?
If you have Theft Protection waiver (TP) and the vehicle is stolen, the amount you have to pay will be reduced to no more than the excess stated on your rental agreement meaning you will pay for the cost of repair or replacement or the excess, whichever is less. If you can show the damage was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund these costs to you. If you can show the damage was less than we said, we will refund you the difference. If you can show the loss or theft was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund these costs to you.
How much is the excess?
Customer is liable for full value of the Avis vehicle if Theft Protection (TP)is not taken. Purchase of TP reduces liability to an amount between 1200.00 Euro and 2500.00 Euro depending on car group rented for theft of parts or all of the Avis vehicle.
How do I get Theft Protection waiver?
In most cases, Theft Protection waiver is provided with the vehicle as standard. If it is included, it will be stated on your rental agreement and in your booking confirmation email. If it is not included, the price depends on the vehicle you are renting and the place you are renting it from. But you can expect it to cost between 6.59 Euro and 16.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Is there an excess reduction product available to reduce my excess further?
Yes, Super Theft Protection waiver (STP) is an excess reduction product which reduces your excess to zero. The price depends on the vehicle and location but you can expect it to costs between 19.12 Euro and 50.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
What happens if I lose any optional extras I rent from you or if they are stolen?
If any optional extras are lost or stolen, you have to pay for the cost of replacement in addition to the rental fee.
Are there any times when the excess would not apply?
Yes, the amount you pay will not be reduced if the loss or theft was caused by or as a result of:
- Keys being left in the vehicle
- Keys being lost or stolen
- Using the vehicle in breach of the contract
What do I have to pay if I do not have Theft Protection?
If the vehicle, keys, any accessories or any vehicle documents are lost or stolen during your rental, you will have to pay:
- The cost of replacement
- Plus our loss of use
If you can show theft was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund these costs to you.
Where can I find information of theft charges I have paid?
If a loss or theft has occurred, unless you can prove the theft was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will charge the amount you have to pay to your card. Unless you have asked us to send you a receipt by post or email, you will be able to find details of this payment here, http://www.avis.es/tu-avis/facturas.
Damage to people and their property
What do I have to pay if I injure someone whilst driving?
Third Party Liability (TPL) cover is provided with the vehicle as standard. This means that if you have an accident in our vehicle and you injure someone, including any of your passengers, or you damage anything which belongs to them, you will not have to pay any of their costs. Third Party Liability cover does not cover any death or injury suffered by the driver of our vehicle or any damage to personal items in our vehicle.
Are there any times when third party liability cover would not apply?
If the law requires us to provide you with third party liability cover, the minimum cover required by law will still apply but we, or our insurer, may seek to recover our costs from you if the accident was caused by:
- By you breaking the contract for example allowing someone we had not approved drive the vehicle of driving whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other unlawful substance),
- By you breaking the law
- As a result of your negligence or recklessness.
What products cover the driver of the vehicle and personal items in the vehicle?
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) covers the driver of the vehicle in the event of an accident. It reduces the amount you have to pay in the event of an accident to zero per claim depending on the claim you make. Personal Accident Insurance provides the following benefits:
- A maximum of 100.000,00 Euro in the event of death, loss of limbs or eyes or permanent total disability
- A maximum of 25.000,00 Euro towards emergency medical expenses related directly to the accident
- Medical assistance and rescue costs (conditions apply)
Who provides Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal Accident Insurance is underwritten by AIG Europe Limited. You will need to agree to their terms and conditions. Our agent, Avis Europe Risk Management Limited retains 20% of the price you pay after insurance premium tax has been deducted, as commission.
How do I get Personal Accident Insurance?
If you have bought Personal Accident Insurance, it will be stated on your rental agreement. The price depends on the location you are renting from, but you can expect it to costs between 4.00 Euro and 6.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Can I increase my cover and reduce my excess?
Yes, Super Personal Accident Insurance (SPAI) reduces your excess to zero per claim and provides the following enhanced benefits:
- A maximum of 200.000 Euro in the event of death, loss of limbs or eyes or permanent total disability
- A maximum of 50.000 Euro towards emergency medical expenses related directly to the accident
- Medical assistance and rescue costs (conditions apply)
- Baggage up to 6.000 Euro per vehicle excluding any items you rented through us (again, there are conditions, and a limit of 350,00 Euro per item)
- Expenses for replacing main house keys and locks up to 750.00 Euro
- Emergency travel expenses up to 750.00 Euro
Is Super Personal Accident Insurance available when renting any vehicles?
Yes, you can buy Super Personal Accident Insurance not matter what vehicle you rent.
How do I get Super Personal Accident Insurance?
If you have bought Super Personal Accident Insurance, it will be stated on your rental agreement. The price depends on the location you are renting from, but you can expect it to costs between 6.00 Euro and 8.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 28 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
What will you pay if I do not have Personal Accident Insurance?
If the driver of the vehicle is involved in an accident and is injured or dies, we will not pay their costs. If any personal items in the vehicle are damaged, lost or stolen, we will not pay for their repair or replacement.
For information, passengers are considered third parties and would benefit from the third party liability cover provided with the vehicle as standard.
Protection packages
I want to buy more than one protection product, can I get a protection package?
No, we do not offer protection packages.
Third party protection products
I have bought a protection product from an external provider, can I use it?
If you decide to buy cover from someone else, you will have to pay our full costs. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand the terms of any cover you buy from an external provider and for any claim you make. We are unable to help you with your claim.
Credit Card Policies
What payment cards do you accept?
We accept: American Express (excluding American Express Travellers Cheque cards), Diners cards, Discover cards, Visa credit cards, MasterCard credit cards, Avis-issued charge cards.
We do not accept, Maestro cards, Cirrus cards, JCB cards, any pre-paid cards (even if they carry the Visa or MasterCard logo) or any other cards not listed above.
We do not accept Digital Payment Cards.
Can I pay by cash?
No, payment by cash for rental charges or deposit is not accepted.
In some locations we do accept cash but we will need to carry out additional identity, security, driving license and credit checks and will need to see proof of address.
What happens if I am late in making payment?
If you are late in paying us, interest will be calculated at 4% per year above the base lending rate of Citibank from time to time.
Debit Card Policies
Visa Debit Cards and MasterCard Debit Cards are accepted.
Drivers License
Public Liability and Property Damage
Public liability insurance is in accordance with the insurance laws of the country. Customer may inquire at the time of rental for additional information of the benefits, conditions and acceptance.
Information not available at this time, please check at time of rental.
Note: Some credit cards provide insurance coverage, with certain limitations, as a benefit of using the card to rent vehicles. The customer is advised to contact the card issuer before the rental. Any waiver must be discussed directly with the location upon arrival.
Age Requirements
How old do I need to be to drive a rental vehicle?
To drive our vehicles, you and all of your drivers need to be at least 21 years old and have held a full, valid driving licence for at least one year at the start of your rental. A higher minimum age limit may apply to certain vehicles.
I'm under 25; do I need to pay a young driver surcharge?
If you or any of your drivers are under 25 when you pick up the vehicle, you will each have to pay a young driver surcharge. The cost for this will depend on where you're picking the vehicle up from but you can expect it to be between 20.96 Euro and 25.00 Euro, per day, for each driver.
If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Are there any maximum age restrictions?
No, in Spain, so long as you hold a full, valid driving licence for at least one year.
I'm over 70, do I need to provide extra information or pay a senior driver surcharge?
No, in Spain, so long as you hold a full, valid driving licence for at least one ear. Outside Spain, drivers over a centain age must provide additional documents.
Fuel Policy
Should I bring the vehicle back with a full tank of fuel?
Yes. The vehicle will normally be supplied with a full tank of fuel. You must return it to us with the same amount of fuel it had in it when you picked it up usually a full tank as shown on the factory-installed fuel gauge. We recommend you fill up as close to the return location as you can on the return date, and keep the receipt to show us. If you do not return the vehicle with a full tank and you can not show us a receipt for fuel we will charge you.
Fuel Options
I plan to travel more than 120 kilometres, and want peace of mind, do you have a fuel option for me?
Yes, with Fuel Up Front you pay for a full tank of fuel, based on the manufacturers stated fuel tank capacity for your vehicle plus our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you. Then you just return the vehicle with whatevers left in the tank (even if its virtually empty) so long as the engine still runs.
How do I calculate the cost of Fuel Up Front?
Depending on where you are renting, we charge the average fuel price at the start of your rental period as stated on this EU fuel index http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/statistics/weekly-oil-bulletin. However, you do not get a refund for any fuel you do not use.
Can I get Fuel up Front at any time?
No, if you want to take advantage of Fuel Up Front, you must ask for it during the booking process or when you pick up the vehicle.
I plan to travel less than 120 kilometres, do I still need to fill up?
Yes, often the fuel gauges stills look full so we ask you to fill up the tank near to the return location and show us a copy of the receipt. If you do not have time to fill up the tank, or can not show us a receipt, we will apply EZ Fuel to cover our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you.
How much is EZ Fuel?
Depending on where you are renting, you pay of fixed fee of between 16.94 Euro and 18.00 Euro.
What are my options if I do not return the vehicle full and have not bought Fuel up Front?
Pay on Return will apply if you have driven more than 120 kilometres and:
- Do not buy Fuel Up Front
- Do not return the vehicle with a full tank
How do I calculate the cost of Pay on Return?
You pay for fuel based on the factory-installed fuel gauge rounded down to the nearest eighth (1/8) of a tank. This is based on the manufacturers stated fuel tank capacity.
We charge between 1.5 and three times the average fuel price at the end of the rental period for Spain as stated on this EU fuel index: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/statistics/weekly-oil-bulletin plus a refuelling charge of between 27.59 Euro and 41.00 Euro. The price per litre will be stated on your rental agreement.This charge covers our cost of driving to the nearest petrol station at short notice, and potentially delaying the next customers rental.
Electric Vehicles
How much battery charge should I return an electric vehicle with?
You must return the vehicle with at least a 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up.
What am i charged if I fail to return an electric vehicle with the required 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up?
We charge a fixed amount dependent on the battery life showing on the factory-installed battery gauge. This is the Pay on Return rate. the amounts charged are set out below:
Battery Charge | Fixed cost (inclusive of VAT) |
If you return the electric vehicle with 70% or more battery charge. | No Cost |
If you return the electric vehicle with between 11%-69% battery charge. | EUR 24.41 |
If you return the electric vehicle with 10% or less battery charge | EUR 43.36 |
One Way Rentals
Can I pick up the vehicle from one rental location and return it to another?
Yes, some rental locations let you collect the vehicle and any optional extras from one rental location and return them to another.
How much is the One-Way fee?
The price depends on the rental location. If you want to pick up the vehicle and return it to a different location in the same country, you can expect it to be between 49.00 Euro and 800.00 Euro. If you want to pick up the vehicle in one country and drop it off in another country, you can expect it to be between 350.00 Euro and 4733.00 Euro.
How do I get a One-Way rental?
You can request a one-way rental when you book or you can ask for it when you get to the rental location.
If you asked for a one-way rental when you booked, the fee will be included in your rental price.
How much will it cost if I did not request a One-Way rental but return the vehicle to a different location?
You will be charged a one-way fee at the pay at location prices available on the day you return the vehicle.
Rental Options
The prices we give you for optional extras when you book will generally be the price you will pay. Exchange rates or other reasons beyond our control may alter prices.
Customers with disabilities
I have a disability, do you offer adapted vehicles?
No, regrettably, we do not currently offer specially adapted vehicles at this time.
I have a disability, do you offer hand controls?
No, regrettably, we do not currently offer hand controls or panoramic mirrors at this time.
Popular optional extras to rent
I have small children, do you offer child seats?
Yes, we offer baby, infant, child and boosters seats. A baby seat is typically suitable for a child from birth to 12 months old and weighing no more than 13 kilos. An infant seat is typically suitable for a child aged 9 months to 4 years old and weighing between 9 and 18 kilos. A child seat is typically suitable for a child aged 4 to 11 years old and weighing between 15 and 36 kilos. A booster seat is typically suitable for a child aged 8 to 11 years old and weighing between 20 and 45 kilos.
In some rental locations, we may arrange for a third party to fit the seat for you. But remember, it is always your responsibility to check the seat is fitted correctly before you drive away.
Please note: In Spain, all children must normally use a child car seat until they are 12 years old or 135 cm tall.
How much are your child seats?
The fee for renting a seat will depend on where you are renting, but you can expect it to cost between 12.00 Euro and 25.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the seat for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
If the seat is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between 200.00 Euro and 250.00 Euro on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
I am not familiar with the area; can I rent a GPS (satellite navigation system)?
Yes, Travel Companion Tablet - This provides a GPS service as well as other useful features you may need when travelling. - The fee for hiring Travel Companion Tablet to be between EUR 14.99 and 20.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 14 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 14 days and get to use the device for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
If the Travel Companion Tablet is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from EUR 180.00 on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you. If any Travel Companion Tablet accessories are damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from EUR 5.00 and EUR 150.00 on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
Please note: In some countries, it is against the law to use a GPS that tells you where speed cameras are. It is illegal in Spain. If you rent a GPS from us, it won’t give you speed camera information.
Do you offer an audio tour guide service on your GPS?
No, unfortunately we do not offer an audio tour guide service at this time.
I want to be able to access the internet anywhere I go, do you offer a solution?
Yes, Travel Companion Tablet. This provides unlimited data per day, as well as other useful features you may need when travelling. The fee for hiring Travel Companion Tablet to be between 14.99 Euro and 20.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 14 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 14 days and get to use the device for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
How much does Mobile Wi-Fi cost?
Yes, Travel Companion Tablet - This provides unlimited data per day, as well as other useful features you may need when travelling. The fee for hiring Travel Companion Tablet is EUR 14.99 a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 14 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 14 days and get to use the device for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Please note: In many countries, including Spain, it is illegal to drive while using a handheld mobile phone, tablet or other communications device. It is your responsibility to drive safely and according to the laws of the country you're driving in.
If the Travel Companion Tablet is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from EUR 180.00 on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you. If any Travel Companion Tablet accessories are damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from EUR 5.00 and EUR 150.00 on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
Automated Toll Product (ATP)
Some of our rental offices offer an electronic toll device. The fee for this device is between 12.00 and 15.00 EUR per day. For rentals up to 3 days, the price is fixed at 29.85 EUR. This service includes both the rental of the device and all tolls in Spain and Portugal. *If the electronic toll device is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between 35.00 and 50.00 EUR in addition to the rental fee.*
This device will be available at our counters, and you will need to bring it to the vehicle and place it on the glass. The device comes with a suction cup.
* If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to negligence, we will refund the cost to you.
Winter equipment to rent
I am concerned about the road conditions, do you offer all-weather tyres?
Yes, if the rental location you are hiring from is in an area where its illegal to drive without all-weather tyres at certain times of year, the vehicle will automatically be supplied with them and the fee will be included in your rental fee or contract.
We can also supply all-weather tyres for a fee. This will depend on where you are renting, but you can expect it to be between 12.00 Euro and 14.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the all-weather tyres for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
If any all-weather tyre is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement pair. You can expect this to range from around 250.00 Euro to 400.00 Euro on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
Please give us at least 1 day’s notice if your rental does not automatically include all-weather tyres and you want to hire them.
I am going skiing, do you offer snow chains?
Yes, if the rental location you are hiring from is in an area where its illegal to drive without Snow Chains or all-weather tyres at certain times of year, the vehicle will automatically be supplied with snow chains and the fee will be included in your rental fee. You can ask not to have these but we recommend that you take either snow chains or all-weather tyres at these locations.
Snow chains are also available in some other rental locations. The fee for snow chains depends on where you are renting but you can expect it to be between 12.10 Euro and 15.00 Euro a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the snow chains for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
If any snow chain is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement pair. This is likely to cost between 150.00 Euro and 200.00 Euro on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
We can not fit snow chains for you, and we can not arrange for them to be fitted.
Not sure if you need snow chains? Please ask a member of our team.
I am have brought my own skis with me, do you rent ski racks?
Yes, some rental locations offer ski racks. You can expect to pay between 12.10 Euro and 15.00 Euro a day to rent a Ski Rack from us. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you will only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the ski rack for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.
Ski racks can not be fitted to all our vehicles, so you may need to upgrade if you need one. This may increase the price of the vehicle and any excess you have to pay.
If the ski rack is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between 150.00 Euro and 300.00 Euro on top of the hire fee. If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.
Please give us at least 1 days notice if you want to hire a ski rack.
I have left my hands-free kit behind, do you rent them?
No, unfortunately we do not offer hands-free kits at this time.
I am moving items, do you rent blankets?
No, unfortunately we do not offer blankets at this time.
I am moving items, do you rent trolleys?
No, unfortunately we do not offer trolleys at this time.
Optional extras available to buy
I have left my USB charger behind, do you sell them?
No, unfortunately we do not sell USB chargers at this time.
I have left my mobile charger behind, do you sell them?
No, unfortunately we do not sell mobile chargers at this time.
I want to charge my device in the car, do you sell car chargers?
No, unfortunately we do not sell car chargers at this time.
I have left my iPhone 5 cable behind, do you sell them?
No, unfortunately we do not sell iPhone 5 cables at this time.
Travel Into Other Countries
Unless we agree otherwise, you are only allowed to use the vehicle in :
Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Vatican City, Spain, France, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Portugal, Republic of San Marino, Monaco, Sweden and Switzerland; and Gibraltar on the condition of paying the cross border fee set out below when you cross the borders of Spain (as defined above) into one or more of the permitted countries, your rental will be subject to a cross border fee of 22.99 EUR (VAT Included). The cross-border fee will apply only once for the duration of your rental, no matter how many times you cross borders between permitted countries.
Please refer to the section Where Can You Drive? in the Rental Conditions for details on costs associated with failure to declare that you are driving the vehicle outside the country of rental.
Any country not listed as a permitted country is an unpermitted country.
Rentals that start in Spain (as defined above) cannot be taken into an unpermitted country, unless we expressly agree otherwise beforehand.
If it has come to our knowledge, at any time, that your rental vehicle has been taken into an unpermitted country without our prior agreement, we may, at our discretion, apply a fee and void your selected optional extras where there is a claim (such as roadside assistance) that takes place in an unpermitted country.
Please note that if you are permitted to take the vehicle outside of Spain (as defined above), it is your responsibility to make sure you comply with legal requirements applicable in the relevant country/countries you travel in.
Vehicles are not authorised to be driven on any islands of the aforementioned countries. It is prohibited to take or transport the Vehicle to the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla from any point in Spain, between the Spanish mainland and the Islands (Balearic and/or Canary Islands) or between the Islands. You are not allowed to use the vehicle by transporting it on board any kind of boat, train, lorry, or plane (except with the Rental Company’s express authorisation in writing).