Louer une voiture at Aéroport international Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX)

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Remarque : Les tarifs sont calculés selon les détails que vous nous fournissez. Les modifications peuvent changer votre tarif et si c'est le cas, la page Choix du véhicule sera affichée de nouveau.

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Aéroport international Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX)

Adresse :

1805 E Sky Harbor Circle South,
Phoenix, AZ, Arizona, 85034, United States

Téléphone :

(1) 602-261-5900

Location Type:


Heures d'exploitation :

Sun - Sat open 24 hrs

Si vous arrivez, faites la navette vers le comptoir de location et le stationnement.

Informations sur la succursale

Bienvenue à Phoenix, AZ ensoleillé. Que ce soit votre première visite dans la ville ou votre centième, nous espérons que notre choix de locations de voitures à l'aéroport international Phoenix Sky Harbor rendra votre séjour encore plus agréable.

Où se trouve Avis à l'aéroport de Phoenix?

Après l'atterrissage, récupérez vos bagages et allez à la zone de récupération des bagages. Prenez la navette commune jusqu'au centre de location de voitures. Une fois rendu, rendez-vous au comptoir de location Avis.

Entre minuit et 6 h, le comptoir principal est fermé. Pour obtenir de l'aide pendant les heures tardives, rendez-vous au kiosque Avis Preferred, qui se trouve au premier étage du Centre de location de voitures.

Restitution des voitures de location au Sky Harbor

En revenant à l'aéroport, suivez les panneaux indiquant les locations de voiture jusqu'au Centre de location de voitures, situé au 1805 E. Sky Harbor Circle, au sud de Phoenix. À votre arrivée, garez votre location de voiture PHX et assurez-vous d'avoir ramassé tous vos effets personnels.

Quel âge dois-je avoir pour louer une voiture à Phoenix, AZ?

Les locations de voitures Phoenix Sky Harbor de Avis sont disponibles pour les conducteurs de 21 ans et plus qui possèdent une carte de crédit approuvée par Avis et un permis de conduire valide. Tous les conducteurs âgés de 21 à 24 ans seront facturés pour un supplément de 27 $ dollars par jour sur la facture et les modèles qu'ils leur seront loués seront limités à certains modèles.

Quel est le meilleur type de voiture à louer à Phoenix?

Chez Avis de PHX, nous avons plusieurs types de véhicules disponibles pour la location. Que vous souhaitiez la puissance d'un VUS ou le style d'une décapotable, vous pouvez trouver la voiture de location adaptée à votre voyage à l'aide de l'application Avis .

Location d'une fourgonnette

Amenez tout le monde avec une location de fourgonnette. Que vous soyez à Phoenix pour vous détendre, pour affaires ou pour conduire quelques heures au nord pour voir le Grand Canyon, vous n'avez pas besoin de diviser votre groupe. Nos fourgonnettes peuvent loger jusqu'à 12 ou 15 personnes.

Location d'une mini-fourgonnette

Les groupes de 7 ou 8 personnes peuvent être plus à l'aise dans l'une de nos locations de de mini-fourgonnettes de haute qualité. L'espace supplémentaire et les portes coulissantes sont particulièrement utiles lorsque vous devez manœuvrer un ou plusieurs sièges d'auto. Les enfants et les adultes seront enchantés par Butterfly Wonderland à Scottsdale, où vous pouvez vous rendre en 20 minutes environ depuis l'aéroport.

Location de VUS

Ne laissez pas la chaleur vous faire peur; Il y a beaucoup d'activités de plein air intéressantes près de Phoenix comme South Mountain Park, le parc régional de Lake Pleasant et l'aire de loisirs Camelback Mountain Echo Canyon. Choisissez votre location de VUS et chargez-la avec des vélos de montagne, des chaussures de randonnée, du matériel de pêche et beaucoup d’eau en bouteille.

Location de longue durée

Si vous prévoyez d'appeler l'Arizona votre domicile temporaire pendant un certain temps, profitez des économies réalisées avec une location de voiture mensuelle. Les voyageurs à long terme peuvent utiliser nos locations de voiture pour une période allant jusqu’à 11 mois et ils peuvent changer de véhicule chaque fois qu’ils prennent rendez-vous.

Voitures de location décapotables

Parcourez Phoenix avec style et classe lorsque vous louez une voiture parmi notre sélection de voitures de luxe. Vous profiterez de la vue magnifique sur l'Arizona State Route 51 lorsque vous conduirez dans une décapotable avec le toit ouvert pendant les mois d'hiver ou dans une voiture de sport rapide climatisée.

Terminal 3 : Les passagers aériens, après avoir récupéré leurs bagages, doivent se diriger vers les escaliers roulants jusqu’au 4e étage, au niveau de la billetterie, pour entrer dans la station et prendre les escaliers roulants jusqu’au 5e étage pour accéder à la plateforme d’embarquement du Sky Train. Le Sky Train amènera les clients vers le centre de location de voitures. Veuillez vous rendre directement à votre véhicule. Les cabines sont étiquetées par ordre alphabétique. Terminal 4 : Les passagers aériens, après avoir récupéré leurs bagages, doivent embarquer sur le Sky Train. Le Sky Train amènera les clients vers le centre de location de voitures. Veuillez vous rendre directement à votre véhicule. Les cabines sont étiquetées par ordre alphabétique. DE MINUIT À 6 H : Le comptoir de location principal est fermé. Le client devra se rendre au kiosque du service Preferred au niveau 1 de l’établissement de location. Le Sky Train est gratuit et fonctionne 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, et fait un arrêt aux 3 à 5 minutes.
Indications générales
PASSAGERS AÉRIENS Terminal 3 : Les passagers aériens, après avoir récupéré leurs bagages, doivent se diriger vers les escaliers roulants jusqu’au 4e étage, au niveau de la billetterie, pour entrer dans la station et prendre les escaliers roulants jusqu’au 5e étage pour accéder à la plateforme d’embarquement du Sky Train. Le Sky Train amènera les clients vers le centre de location de voitures. Veuillez vous rendre au comptoir d’Avis à votre arrivée. Terminal 4 : Les passagers aériens, après avoir récupéré leurs bagages, doivent se diriger vers le Sky Train. Le Sky Train amènera les clients vers le centre de location de voitures. Veuillez vous rendre au comptoir d’Avis à votre arrivée. Le Sky Train est gratuit et fonctionne 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, et fait un arrêt aux 3 à 5 minutes.,LOCATAIRES SANS RÉSERVATIONSuivez les panneaux de l’aéroport indiquant « Voitures de location » (Rental Cars). Il vous conduira aux comptoirs de location de voitures qui se trouvent dans une installation commune. DE MINUIT À 6 H : Le comptoir de location principal est fermé. Le client devra se rendre au kiosque du service Preferred au niveau 1 de l’établissement de location. RESTITUTION DE VÉHICULE Restituez la voiture à l’établissement de location et suivez les panneaux pour embarquer sur le Sky Train. Le Sky Train transportera les clients aux terminaux.
Restitutions après les heures d'ouverture
Mode de fonctionnement. Verrouillez le véhicule et placez les clés dans la boîte de dépôt des clés pour les retours hors des heures d’ouverture, située dans la zone de retour. N'oubliez pas de retirer tous vos effets personnels du véhicule avant de rendre les clés. Un véhicule restitué après les heures d’ouverture ne sera pas enregistré avant le jour ouvrable suivant. Si le client restitue le véhicule après les heures d’ouverture lorsqu’une succursale est fermée, ce dernier est responsable du véhicule jusqu’à ce qu’il soit enregistré le jour ouvrable suivant.

Modalités et conditions

Optional Coverages


What products reduce the amount I have to pay if the vehicle is damaged during the rental?
If you have liability reduction in case of a damage (CDW - collision damage waiver) and the vehicle, keys, any accessories or any vehicle documents are damaged and you are responsible for the damage, the amount you have to pay for the damage will be reduced to no more than the excess stated on your rental agreement meaning you'll pay for the cost of repair or replacement plus a damage or theft processing fee in accordance with Section 6 of General Conditions of Rental in the amount of 30.00 EUR or the excess, whichever is less.
How much is the excess?
Depending on car group rented, customer is liable for an amount ranging between 18,000.00 EUR and 102,000.00 EUR if Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is not taken. Purchase of CDW reduces liability to an amount between 950.00 EUR and 1250.00 EUR depending on car group rented.
How do I get Damage Waiver?
In most cases, Damage Waiver is provided with the vehicle as standard. If it is included, it will be stated on your rental agreement and in your booking confirmation email. If it is not included, the price depends on the vehicle you're renting and the place you're renting it from.
Is there an excess reduction product available to reduce my excess further?
Yes, Super Damage Waiver (SCDW) is an excess reduction product which reduces your excess to zero. The price depends on the vehicle and location but you can expect it to costs between 25.50 EUR and 44.00 EUR a day.
Will I need to pay if the windscreen is damaged?
Yes, it will be treated the same as any other damage to the vehicle.
What happens if I damage any optional extras I rent from you?
If any optional extras are damaged, you have to pay for the cost of replacement, or their estimated repair costs in addition to the rental fee, insofar as you are responsible for the damage.
Are there any times when the excess would not apply?
Yes, the amount you pay will not be reduced if damage was caused by or as a result of:

  • Water or fire damage, that was not your fault.
  • Driving the vehicle without due care and attention
  • Driving or using the vehicle in breach of your contract

What do I have to pay if I don't have Damage Waiver?
If the vehicle, the key, accessories or vehicle documents should be damaged during the period in which you have rented the vehicle, you must pay for the following in accordance with Section 6 of General Conditions of Rental, insofar as you are responsible for the damage:

  • Either the cost of replacement, or the estimated repair costs whichever is cheaper
  • Plus our loss of use
  • Plus an administration fee

Where can I find information of damage charges I've paid?
If we find damage, we will charge the amount you have to pay to your card. Unless you have asked us to send you a receipt by post or email, you will be able to find details of this payment here.


What products reduce the amount I have to pay if the vehicle is lost or stolen during the rental?
If you have a liability reduction for the event of theft (theft protection, TP) and your vehicle is stolen, the amount which you must pay in accordance with Section 6 of General Conditions of Rental - insofar as you are responsible for the theft - will be limited to the excess stipulated in your rental agreement, which means that you must pay for the costs of replacement plus a fee for the processing of the event of damage or theft in the amount of 30.00 EUR or the excess, whichever is less.

How much is the excess?
Depending on car group rented, customer is liable for an amount ranging between 18,000.00 EUR and 102,000.00 EUR if Theft Protection waiver (TP) is not taken. Purchase of TP reduces liability to an amount between 950.00 EUR and 1250.00 EUR depending on car group rented.
How do I get Theft Protection waiver?
In most cases, Theft Protection waiver is provided with the vehicle as standard. If it is included, it will be stated on your rental agreement and in your booking confirmation email. If it is not included, the price depends on the vehicle you are renting and the place you’re renting it from.
Is there an excess reduction product available to reduce my excess further?
Yes, Super Theft Protection waiver (STP) is an excess reduction product which reduces your excess to zero.
What happens if I lose any optional extras I rent from you or if they are stolen?
If any optional extras are lost or stolen, you have to pay for the cost of replacement in addition to the rental fee.
Are there any times when the excess would not apply?
Yes, the amount to be paid by you is not limited if you are responsible for the loss or theft due to your intention or gross negligence, such as, for instance, in cases when:

  • Keys being left in the vehicle
  • Keys being lost or stolen
  • Using the vehicle in breach of the contract

In the event of losses caused by gross negligence, we are entitled to claim damages against you in an amount equivalent to the grade of negligence, up to and including the full amount of the loss or damage.
The liability restriction will be void if you or your co-driver should intentionally infringe any contractual obligation as per the rental agreement. The liability restriction will be reduced proportionally corresponding to the severity of the fault if you or your co-driver failed to fulfil a contractual obligation as per the rental agreement. The restriction of liability will not be void if the breach of duty was not the cause of the damage or the determination of the conditions for the granting of the liability reduction.

What do I have to pay if I don’t have Theft Protection?
IIf the vehicle, the key, accessories or vehicle documents should be damage during the period in which you have rented the vehicle, you must pay for the following if you are responsible for this:

  • The cost of replacement
  • Plus our loss of use
  • Plus a fee for the processing of the event of damage or theft in accordance with Section 6 of General Conditions of Rental in the amount of 30.00 EUR.

Where can I find information of theft charges I've paid?
If the loss or theft was caused by you, your card will be charged with the amount owed and due. More details of this payment can be found  here, unless you have asked us to send you an invoice by mail or Email.

Damage to people and their property

What do I have to pay if I injure someone whilst driving?
Third Party Liability (TPL) cover is provided with the vehicle as standard. This means that if you have an accident in our vehicle and you injure someone, including any of your passengers, or you damage anything which belongs to them, you will not have to pay any of their costs. Third Party Liability cover does not cover any death or injury suffered by the driver of our vehicle or any damage to personal items in our vehicle.

Are there any times when third party liability cover would not apply?
If the law requires us to provide you with third party liability cover, the minimum cover required by law will still apply but we, or our insurer, may seek to recover our costs from you if the accident was caused by:

  • By you breaking the contract (for example allowing someone we had not approved drive the vehicle of driving whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other unlawful substance),
  • By you breaking the law
  • As a result of your negligence or recklessness.

What products cover the driver of the vehicle?
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) covers the driver of the vehicle  in the event of an accident. It reduces the amount you have to pay in the event of an accident to zero or to 70 EUR per claim depending on the claim you make. Personal Accident Insurance provides the following benefits:

  • A maximum of 40.000 EUR , in the event of death, loss of limbs or eyes or permanent total disability
  • A maximum of 2.000 EUR, towards emergency medical expenses related directly to the accident
  • Medical assistance and rescue costs (conditions apply)

Who provides Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal Accident Insurance is underwritten by  AIG Europe Limited. You will need to agree to their terms and conditions. Our agent, Avis Europe Risk Management Limited retains 20% of the price you pay after insurance premium tax has been deducted, as commission.
How do I get Personal Accident Insurance?
If you have bought Personal Accident Insurance, it will be stated on your rental agreement. The price depends on the location you arre renting from, but you can expect it to costs between 6 EUR and 7,55 EUR a day.
Can I increase my cover and reduce my excess?
Yes, Super Personal Accident Insurance (SPAI) provides the following enhanced benefits:

  • A maximum of 120.000 EUR , in the event of death, loss of limbs or eyes or permanent total disability
  • A maximum of 6.000 EUR, towards emergency medical expenses related directly to the accident
  • Medical assistance and rescue costs (conditions apply)
  • Baggage up to 6.000 EUR, per vehicle excluding any items you rented through us (again, there are conditions, and a limit of 350 EUR, per item)
  • Expenses for replacing main house keys and locks up to 500 EUR
  • Emergency travel expenses up to 500 EUR.

Is Super Personal Accident Insurance available when renting any vehicles?
Yes, you can buy Super Personal Accident Insurance not matter what vehicle you rent.

How do I get Super Personal Accident Insurance?
If you have bought Super Personal Accident Insurance, it will be stated on your rental agreement. The price depends on the location you are renting from, but you can expect it to costs between 9 EUR, and 11,30 EUR a day.
What will you pay if I don't have Personal Accident Insurance?
If the driver of the vehicle is involved in an accident and is injured or dies, we will not pay their costs. If any personal items in the vehicle are damaged, lost or stolen, we will not pay for their repair or replacement.
For information, passengers are considered third parties and would benefit from the third party liability cover provided with the vehicle as standard.

Protection packages

I want to buy more than one protection product, can I get a protection package?

We offer various protection packages, please enquire about these at the time of booking or at the centre. The costs are between EUR 51.50 and up to EUR 73.00 per day.

Third party protection products

I have bought a protection product from an external provider, can I use it?
If you decide to buy cover from someone else, you will have to pay our full costs Find out more: see “What will you pay if I don’t have” within this section of this document then you will need to make a claim with the external provider to get your money back. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand the terms of any cover you buy from an external provider and for any claim you make. We are unable to help you with your claim.

Credit Card Policies

What payment cards do you accept?

We accept:

  • American Express (excluding American Express Traveller's Cheque cards)
  • Diners Club
  • Discover cards
  • Visa credit / debit cards
  • MasterCard credit / debit cards
  • Avis-issued charge cards / voucher

We accept Maestro cards, V-Pay cards and Visa Electron Cards for rentals of certain vehicles but additional identity, security, driving licence and credit checks will be needed and we will take a deposit of EUR 200.00 + the expected rental value please contact us should you wish to use these payment cards.
Prepaid cards can be used only for making payments at the end of your rental.

We don’t accept Cirrus cards, JCB cards or any other cards not listed above – even if they carry the Visa or MasterCard logo.

We do not accept digital payment cards.

We also do not accept cash.

Cash can be used for van rentals; additional identity, security, driving licence and credit checks will be needed and we will take a deposit of EUR 200.00.

Debit Card Policies


Debit Cards, Electron Cards and German Maestro Cards are accepted.  
Prepaid cards can only be accepted at check in.

Drivers License

Requirement to bring a valid driving licence with you

In Germany, all drivers must bring their valid driving licence with them.

If any of the following applies:

  • their driving licence was issued in Europe, 
  • their driving licence was issued in a non-European country or,
  • their driving licence was issued in a non-roman alphabet language like Arabic, Greek, Russian, Hebrew or Japanese,

and we cannot confirm with certainty the details included within the driving licence, the driver will also need to provide either an international driving licence or an official German translation, by a notary, of their driving licence. If this might apply to you, please contact us (prior to your pick up date) as we would be pleased to confirm if an international licence or official translation will be required. 

We do not accept digital driving licences.

Minimum licence requirements 

All drivers must have held their licences for at least 6 months from the date of pick-up. A higher minimum age limit and licence validity may apply for certain vehicles. 

If a licence does not show the driver has held it for the minimum period, then they must provide evidence, such as: 

  • previous driving licences; or
  • a letter from their driving licence authority stating that they have held it for this minimum period. 


Public Liability and Property Damage

Public liability insurance is in accordance with the insurance laws of the country.  Customer may inquire at the time of rental for additional information of the benefits, conditions and acceptance.

Information not available at this time, please check at time of rental.

Note: Some credit cards provide insurance coverage, with certain limitations, as a benefit of using the card to rent vehicles.  The customer is advised to contact the card issuer before the rental.  Any waiver must be discussed directly with the location upon arrival.

Additional Fees

Due to winter conditions between November 15 and March 15 the entire Avis fleet in Germany is equipped with winter tires. The fee for winter tires is included in the total price.


Age Requirements

Minimum driver age restrictions

When you book, you'll be told if there are any minimum age restrictions for the vehicle you request. If you're not sure, please check your booking confirmation email or call our Reservations Team.

You need to be at least 21 years old to hire and drive most of our vehicles.

Young driver surcharge

If you or any of your drivers are under 25 when you pick up the vehicle, you will each have to pay a young driver surcharge. The cost of a young driver surcharge will be built into the price confirmed at booking stage. If you add an additional driver onto the rental at pick up, you may be charged a young driver surcharge (you will be asked to agree to this) and is likely to be between EUR 11.90 and EUR 14.95 per day.
If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get cover for the duration of the rental up to 28 days.

Fuel Policy

Returning the vehicle
Unless you agreed a different refuelling option (see below), you must return the vehicle to us with the same amount of fuel it had in it when you picked it up usually a full tank as shown on the factory-installed fuel gauge or automatically logged in respect of connected cars. We recommend you fill up as close to the return location as you can on the return date and keep the receipt to show us. If you don't return the vehicle with a full tank and you can't show us a receipt for fuel we will charge you.

Refuelling options
Fuel Up Front - this option allows you to pay for a full tank of fuel, based on the manufacturer's stated fuel tank capacity of your vehicle plus our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you. Then you just return the vehicle with whatever's left in the tank (even if it is virtually empty) so long as the engine still runs.

This is only available where you have added it as an option at booking stage, or asked to add it to your rental prior to you collecting the vehicle. If you have added this option, the cost will be on your Rental Agreement Form. However, you don't get a refund for any fuel you don't use.

EZ Fuel - If you have travelled less than 120km and don't have time to fill up the tank or can't show us receipt for fuel, you will be charged the EZ fuel fee to cover this. This will be charged as a fixed fee of between EUR 26.00 and EUR 36.40.

Pay on Return - If you are renting a "connected car", you will be required to pay for fuel so as to ensure that the vehicle has the same amount as when you collected it (this is automatically logged and is calculated to the nearest litre).
If you are renting any other traditional fuel or hybrid vehicle, you will be required to pay for fuel so as to ensure that the vehicle has the same amount as when you collected it based on the factory-installed fuel gauge rounded down to the nearest eighth (1/8) of a tank (costs are based on the manufacturer's stated fuel tank capacity). We charge between 1.5 and 3 times the average fuel price at the end of the rental period. The price per litre will be stated on your Rental Agreement Form.


Fully Electric Vehicles

We charge a fixed amount dependent on the battery charge on the factory-installed battery gauge. This is the “Pay on Return” rate. The amounts charged are set out below:


Battery Charge Price depends on rent location
If you return the electric vehicle with 70% or more battery charge*. No Cost
If you return the electric vehicle with between 11%-69% battery charge. EUR 22.85-28.70
If you return the electric vehicle with 10% or less battery charge

EUR 35.81-45.00



* unless the vehicle had less than 70% battery charge when you collected it, in which case, you must return it with at least the same % battery charge as it had at time of pick-up in order for no additional costs to be applied.

One Way Rentals

Can I pick up the vehicle from one rental location and return it to another?
Yes, some rental locations let you collect the vehicle and any optional extras from one rental location and return them to another.
How much is the One-Way fee?
The price depends on the rental location. If you want to pick up the vehicle and return it to a different location in the same country, you can expect it to be between 59.00 EUR and 250.00 EUR. If you want to pick up the vehicle in one country and drop it off in another country, you can expect it to be between 100 EUR and 4.500 EUR.
How do I get a One-Way rental?
You can request a one-way rental when you book or you can ask for it when you get to the rental location.
If you asked for a one-way rental when you booked, the fee will be included in your rental price.
How much will it cost if I did not request a One-Way rental but return the vehicle to a different location?
You will be charged a one-way fee at the pay at location prices available on the day you return the vehicle.

Rental Options

Child Seats

We offer baby, infant, child, and booster seats.
A baby seat is typically suitable for a child from birth to 12 months old and weighing no more than 13 kilos.
An infant seat is typically suitable for a child aged 9 months to 4 years old and weighing between 9 and 18 kilos.
A child seat is typically suitable for a child aged 4 to 11 years old and weighing between 15 and 36 kilos.
A booster seat is typically suitable for a child aged 8 to 11 years and weighing between 20 and 45 kilos.

In some rental locations, we may arrange for a third party to fit the seat for you. But remember, it is always your responsibility to check the seat is fitted correctly before you drive away.

Please note: In Germany all children must use a child car seat until they’re 12 years old or 150 cm tall.

The fee for renting a seat is between EUR 13.00 and EUR 16.31 per day, up to a maximum charge of EUR 86.59 per 28 day rental.

If the seat is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between EUR 209.00 and EUR 260.00 on top of the hire fee.

All weather tyres

If the rental location you're hiring from is in an area where it is illegal to drive without all-weather tyres at certain times of the year, the vehicle will automatically be supplied with them and the fee will be included in your rental fee or contract.
Between 15 November and 15 March all vehicles in Germany are equipped with Winter tyres and the fee for this is already included in your rental price.

We can also supply all-weather tyres for a fee. This will depend on where you're renting but you can expect it to be between EUR 15.00 and EUR 18.81 a day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 10 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 10 days and get to use the all-weather tyres for the duration of your rental, up to 28 days.

If any all-weather tyre is damaged, lost or stolen, and if you are responsible for that, you will have to pay for a replacement pair which will be between EUR 150.00 and EUR 400.00 plus the rental costs.
In the event that your rental does not already contain all-weather tyres and you want to have these tyres, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance.

Snow chains
If the rental location you're hiring from is in an area where it's illegal to drive without snow chains at certain times of the year the vehicle will be automatically supplied with snow chains and the fee will be included in your rental price.

We can also supply snow chains at other locations, and you can expect to pay between EUR 72.00 and EUR 90.35 per rental.

If snow chains are damaged, lost or stolen, and if you are responsible for that, you will have to pay for a replacement pair which will be between EUR 69.00 and EUR 100.00 plus the rental costs.

Ski Racks
Some rental locations offer ski racks. We can also supply ski racks at other locations, and you can expect to pay between EUR 72.00 and EUR 90.35 per rental.

Ski racks cannot be fitted to all our vehicles, so you may need to upgrade if you need one. This may increase the price of the vehicle and any excess you may have to pay
If the ski rack is damaged, lost or stolen, you’ll have to pay for a replacement. *
This is likely to cost between EUR 250.00 and EUR 500.00 on top of the hire fee.

Please give us at least 24 hours’ notice if you want to hire a ski rack. If you need it at shorter notice, please call the Reservations team.

Avis Travel Companion Tablet
This provides a GPS service and unlimited data per day, as well as other useful features you may need when travelling. We provide this service on behalf of a third party so you will need to read and agree to separate terms and conditions with, which will be signed by you on the device at the time of rental check out.

The fee for hiring Travel Companion Tablet is between EUR 13.51 and EUR 16.95 per day, up to a maximum charge of 14 days per 28 day rental.

If the Travel Companion Tablet is damaged, lost or stolen, you'll have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost from EUR 260.00 on top of the hire fee. If any of the accessories are lost, damaged or stolen, you will have to pay for a replacement. This is likely to cost between EUR 10.00 and EUR 150.00 on top of the hire fee. *

Trailer Hitch
It is possible to rent vehicles with a trailer hitch and the price you pay will depend on the location you are renting from.

Please note that there are maximum supporting and towing loads, which can be found in the in Part, fields 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3, of the vehicle's registration documents.
The permissible trailer load is the maximum weight that the trailer may have, including the load. The trailer nose weight indicates the force that may act on the towing vehicle hitch.
If you do not comply with these manufacturer specifications, you risk a fine and a penalty point in the traffic offence register of the German Federal Motor Vehicle Transport Authority. This may also impact your liability reduction.

Moving Blankets
We rent blankets at some van / truck locations, and you can expect to pay EUR 3.00 per rental.

We rent trolleys at some van / truck locations, and you can expect to pay EUR 9.00 per day. If you rent the vehicle for more than 6 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 6 days and get to use the trolley for the duration of your rental.

If the trolley is damaged, lost or stolen, you will have to play for a replacement. This is likely to cost EUR 70.00 please the hire cost. *

Please note in many countries, including Germany, it is illegal to drive while using a handheld mobile phone, tablet or any other communications device. It is your responsibility to drive safely and according to the laws of the country you are driving in.

* If you can show the damage or loss was not in any way your fault or due to your negligence, we will refund this cost to you.

Travel Into Other Countries

Unless we agree otherwise, you are only allowed to use the vehicle in:

  • Austria (A)
  • Andorra (AND)
  • Belgium (B)
  • Switzerland (CH)
  • Czech Republic (CZ)
  • Germany (D)
  • Denmark (DK)
  • Spain (E)
  • France (F)
  • Finland (FIN)
  • Liechtenstein (FL)
  • Great Britain (GB)
  • Hungary (H)
  • Croatia (HR)
  • Italy (I)
  • Ireland (IRL)
  • Luxemburg (L)
  • Monaco (MC)
  • Norway (N)
  • Netherlands (NL)
  • Portugal (P)
  • Poland (PL)
  • San Marino (RSM)
  • Sweden (S)
  • Slovakia (SK)
  • Slovenia (SLO)

Some vehicles are not permitted to enter the following countries:

  • France (F)
  • Italy (I)
  • Czech Republic (CZ)
  • Croatia (HR)
  • Hungary (H)
  • Poland (PL)
  • Slovakia (SK)
  • Slovenia (SLO)

You'll need to pay a Cross Border Fee for journeys outside of Germany, this is likely to cost EUR 7.50 per day, up to a maximum charge of EUR 62.74 per rental.

Please note that if you are permitted to take the vehicle outside of Germany, it is your responsibility to make sure you comply with legal requirements applicable in the relevant country/countries you travel in.

Porsche vehicles may only be driven in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

You'll need to pay a Cross Border Fee for journeys outside of Germany, this is likely to cost EUR 7.50 per day, up to a maximum charge of EUR 43.92 per rental.

Please note that if you are permitted to take the vehicle outside of Germany it is your responsibility to make sure you comply with legal requirements applicable in the relevant country/countries you travel in.