Rent a Car at Aeroporto Internacional de Sacramento (SMF)

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Remarque : Les tarifs sont calculés selon les détails que vous nous fournissez. Quelques modifications peuvent changer votre tarif et si c'est le cas, la page Choix du véhicule sera affichée de nouveau.

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Aeroporto Internacional de Sacramento (SMF)


6520 McNair Circle,
Sacramento, CA, California, 95837, United States


(1) 916-922-5601

Horário de funcionamento:

Sun - Sat 6:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Caso esteja vindo de avião, faça o translado até o balcão de locação e o estacionamento.

Informações sobre a loja

O Aeroporto Internacional de Sacramento é um local prático para alugar um carro. O aeroporto fica a apenas algumas horas de grandes cidades, como São Francisco e San Jose, e de espaços naturais reservados, como o Lago Tahoe e a Floresta Nacional de El Dorado. Pegue seu carro favorito no SMF e comece a explorar a ampla variedade de atividades perto de Sacramento.

Onde fica a Avis no Aeroporto de Sacramento?

O balcão da Avis no Aeroporto Internacional de Sacramento pode ser encontrado seguindo as placas para a área de retirada de bagagens e saindo do saguão. Dirija-se até a passarela central do lado de fora e pegue um traslado. Você será levado até o ponto de locação de veículos, onde encontrará o balcão da Avis.

Devolução de carro alugado no Aeroporto de Sacramento

A retirada e devolução de carros alugados no Aeroporto de Sacramento fica no endereço 6520 McNair Circle, Sacramento, CA. Ao entrar no campus do Aeroporto de Sacramento, siga as placas de Car Rental Return. Quando você chegar ao ponto de locação de veículos, procure pela placa da Avis. Depois de devolver seu carro, um traslado levará você até seu terminal de embarque.

Quantos anos preciso ter para alugar um carro em Sacramento, CA?

A Avis tem um programa para motoristas mais jovens com idade entre 21 e 24 anos, com carteira de habilitação válida e um cartão de crédito aceito pela Avis. Esses clientes podem alugar carros de uma seleção limitada de veículos da Avis por uma  tarifa diária de menoridade de $ 27. Motoristas acima de 25 anos podem alugar qualquer veículo.

Qual é o melhor tipo de automóvel para alugar em Sacramento?

Alugar um utilitário esportivo é uma ótima ideia se você planeja visitar o Lago Tahoe perto dali. Para aqueles que pensam em ficar na cidade ou visitar a costa a oeste, será melhor aproveitar o clima agradável e admirar as belíssimas praias a bordo de um conversível. Seja qual for sua situação, você certamente encontrará o melhor carro para sua viagem em nossa ampla seleção.

Aluguel de Van para Passageiros

Não importa se você está viajando a trabalho com um grupo de colegas ou se trouxe todos os seus amigos para o Food Truck Festival de Sacramento, temos um carro perfeito para suas necessidades. As locações de vans de passageiros da Avis oferecem espaço para acomodar grupos de 12 a 15 passageiros.

Aluguel de Minivan

Se você estiver com crianças, alugar uma minivan pode ser uma ótima ideia. Há diversas atividades para toda a família a apenas 30 minutos do aeroporto. Então pegue um Honda Odyssey ou um Nissan Quest e siga para Fairytale Town, Funderland Park e outros locais que as crianças vão amar.

Locação de utilitário esportivo

Se você adora atividades ao ar livre, você vai adorar nossa seleção de utilitários esportivos premium. Escolha entre Ford Escape, Ford Explorer ou Chevrolet Tahoe e fique mais confortável em seu trajeto até o Lago Tahoe ou outras maravilhas da Califórnia.

Locação de carro a longo prazo

A locação de carro no Aeroporto de Sacramento para contratos mensais e a longo prazo é a melhor opção para aqueles que pretendem ficar mais do que algumas semanas. A locação mensal oferece a você as melhores tarifas possíveis.

Carros conversíveis para aluguel

Você merece um carro de luxo para suas férias em Sacramento. Não importa se você vai para o oeste curtir as praias ou se vai para o Badlands Dance Club, alugue um carro conversível e tenha uma experiência inesquecível. Escolha entre Camaros, Mustangs e mais.

Pegue a estrada a partir do Aeroporto de Sacramento

O Lago Tahoe é o maior lago alpino da América do Norte, e um dos mais belos, também. Faça uma viagem com seu carro alugado em Sacramento e aprecie a Tahoe National Forest e o Parque Estadual Memorial Donner no caminho. Assim que você chegar ao Lago Tahoe, desfrute de seu encanto e charme na Emerald Bay e no Sand Harbor. Leia mais...

Serviço Preferred
Siga as placas para a área de retirada de bagagem. Siga para o canteiro central na parte externa onde o ônibus comum da locação de carro irá parar para levá-lo à instalação comum de locação de carro. Depois de entrar nas instalações, dirija-se ao balcão principal, localizado dentro da central de locação. Mostre sua carteira de habilitação e identifique-se como Locatário Preferred para o agente de locação da Avis para receber seus documentos de locação impressos e as chaves.
Instruções gerais
PASSAGEIROS DE CIAS. AÉREAS: Siga as placas para a área de retirada de bagagem. Siga para o canteiro central na parte externa onde o ônibus comum da locação de carro irá parar para levá-lo à instalação comum de locação de carro. DISTÂNCIA DE CAMINHADA até o canteiro central da área de retirada de bagagem: 50 pés. TEMPO PERMITIDO para viagem de ônibus: 4 minutos. DISTÂNCIA DE CAMINHADA da saída do ônibus até o balcão de locação: 30 pés. DISTÂNCIA DE CAMINHADA do balcão de locação até o estacionamento: 10 a 150 pés,BALCÕES DE AUTO-ATENDIMENTO Siga as placas do aeroporto para Devolução de Carro Alugado. Elas o levarão para o estacionamento de locação de carros da Avis.
Devoluções além do horário
Todos os clientes da Avis que devolverem veículos deverão seguir as placas do aeroporto. Como funciona: Trave o veículo e coloque as chaves na caixa de depósito de chaves para Devoluções fora do expediente localizada na área de devolução. Não se esqueça de remover todos os seus pertences do veículo antes de devolver as chaves. Um veículo devolvido fora do expediente terá a devolução processada quando a loja reabrir, no próximo dia útil. Se a devolução for feita fora do expediente quando uma loja estiver fechada, o cliente será responsável pelo veículo até que a devolução satisfatória do veículo alugado seja concluída, no próximo dia útil.

Termos e condições

Prepay Terms

Optional Coverages

Acceptance of the Loss Damage Waiver relieves the renter and authorized additional drivers of responsibility for loss of, or damage to the Avis car, when they comply with the terms and conditions listed on the rental document jacket. At the time of rental, the customer must initial whether he/she accepts or declines the LDW and optional services. LDW and optional services must be signed for at the rental counter.
LDW is taxable.

If LDW is not accepted, the customer is financially responsible for the full value of:

  • Accident damage
  • Glass damage
  • Stolen items (radio, battery, etc.)
  • Vandalism
  • Theft of the car


In Wisconsin, if LDW is not accepted, the renter is liable for all loss or damage to the Avis car due to an accident or reckless, wanton behavior.

In Illinois, if LDW is not accepted, the customer is financially responsible for up to the full value of the vehicle.
In cases of theft not due to the customer’s negligence, the customer liability would vary based on the vehicle group rented, ranging from $5,000 to $40,000. 
If the theft occurs due to the customer’s negligence or complicity, the customer is financially responsible for up to the full value of the vehicle.

Canceling LDW
Once LDW has been purchased, it must remain on the contract. The customer has the option to return the car & close the rental agreement; however, this could change the rate for the rental agreement and a different, possibly higher, rate could apply for a new rental.

Customers who rent in New York and purchase LDW in New York can decide to cancel this service at no charge, within specific guidelines:

  • Rental must be 2 days or more.
  • The cancellation must be within the first 24 hours of the rental.
  • The actual renter must take the car to an Avis location for inspection & must sign a cancellation notice.

Loss of Use
The customer may also be responsible for reimbursing Avis for the revenue lost by not being able to use the car while it is being repaired or not recovered due to theft (referred to as Loss of Use).

Global insurance coverages are always subject to change. Please verify at time of rental.

Credit Card Policies

Avis accepts most major credit cards as credit identification at the time of rental.  The renter's name must be on the credit card.

Accepted credit card list:  Avis Charge Card, American Express, AT&T Capital, Diner's Club Int'l, Discover, China UnionPay, JCB, MasterCard, and Visa.  Some locations may not accept each of the referenced cards.


You may be subject to a credit check or present additional identification.  Acceptable forms of additional identification are:  Valid passport or travel visa, military identification, birth certificate, marriage license, ATM card with customer name printed on face of card, health care identification card with customer’s name printed on face of card or company/college/university identification with a photograph.  In some cases, you may be required to present an alternate credit card.


Avis may request an authorization hold against your account for the estimated rental charges of the rental, but reserves the right in its sole discretion to request an extra value to be based on certain factors as we deem appropriate:

  • Most rentals may require an authorization hold of the estimated rental charges plus $200.00 USD.
  • If you have prepaid the rental, the hold amount will be $250.00 USD.

While this hold is in place, the funds will not be available for your use.  When the rental is over, we will process the reversal, but the bank may take time to post it back to the account.


Note: Prepaid credit cards are not acceptable methods of credit identification to pick up a car at any location.  One of the above mentioned cards must be presented.  Prepaid credit cards are accepted at time of return only, if we can obtain full authorization from the card bank for the total charges due.


Debit Card Policies

Participating locations will accept a Debit card, however, it must have an accepted bank processing logo (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, etc) at the time of rental if you are at least 25 years of age with the following requirements:

  • The name of the renter must be on the debit card.
  • A debit card is accepted as credit identification for Economy cars, Compact cars, Intermediate cars, Standard cars, Full-Size cars, Intermediate SUV's, or Standard SUV's.  The rental of any other vehicle category will require a major credit card. 
  • At airport locations, you will be required to show proof of a return airline flight that corresponds with your rental.
  • You will be subject to a credit check to determine and ensure credit worthiness before releasing the car to you.  If your credit file is frozen with Equifax, you will be required to lift the restriction prior to your rental.  Lifting the restriction does not guarantee that you will be able to rent a vehicle as you will still be subject to a credit check.

Avis may request an authorization hold against your account for the estimated charges of the rental but reserves the right in its sole discretion, to request an extra value to be based on certain factors as we deem appropriate:

  • Most rentals may require an authorization hold of the estimated rental charges plus $200 USD.
  • Rentals of 4 days or more may require an authorization hold of the estimated rental charges plus $300 USD.
  • If you have prepaid the rental with a debit card, the hold is $250.00 USD.


THESE FUNDS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR USE.  When the rental is over we will process the reversal but the bank may take time to post it back to the account.  If you fail to return the vehicle as agreed, Avis will obtain additional authorizations from your account to cover the rental charges.  Avis is not responsible for any returned checks or over-drafts based on this policy.

Positive identification in addition to your driver's license may be required.


Note: Prepaid Debit/Gift cards are not acceptable methods of credit identification to pick up a car at any location.  One of the above mentioned cards must be presented. Prepaid Debit/Gift cards are accepted at time of return only.

Drivers License

At time of pick-up, driver must present a valid, U.S.-issued driver's license and credit card (or debit card at participating locations) in the driver's name.  If the driver's license is not issued in the U.S., you must present your drivers license and either a passport or a Canadian enhanced license in the driver's name.

Public Liability and Property Damage

Public liability insurance is in accordance with the insurance laws of the country.  Customer may inquire at the time of rental for additional information of the benefits, conditions and acceptance.

Note: Some credit cards provide insurance coverage, with certain limitations, as a benefit of using the card to rent vehicles.  The customer is advised to contact the card issuer before the rental.  Any waiver must be discussed directly with the location upon arrival.

Additional Driver Policy

All additional drivers must be at least 25 years of age.  The fee for each additional driver is $13/day with a maximum charge of $65 per rental.  In California, the following may drive the car with the renters permission, are exempt from the additional driver fee, but must meet all other driver requirements: the renter's employer or fellow employee when on company business and renting under a corporate account; the renter's spouse or domestic partner; child, sibling or grandparent of the renter; the companion driver of a renter with a disability who has completed the non-licensed renter form; for insurance replacement rentals, company employees or family members who are designated on the insurance policy.  All other additional drivers must complete and sign an additional driver form and present valid credit identification.  A maximum of two additional drivers may complete a form.

Additional Fees

  • A Frequent Traveler Program Surcharge or Excise Tax of up to $1.50 per day may be applied and will be assessed in connection with miles, points or credits earned pursuant to this reservation.
  • Extensions or late returns may result in additional charges.

Age Requirements

A customer renting a Luxury Car, Minivan, 12-Passenger Van, Full-Size SUV, Premium SUV, Standard Elite SUV or any vehicle in the Specialty/Signature Series/Cool Car categories must be at least 25 years old.

  • Exception: A customer with an acceptable corporate discount number can rent the above car classes at 21 years old without an underage fee.

For all other car classes, a customer presenting a major charge card must be at least 21 years old.  An underage surcharge of $27.00 per day will apply for renters 21-24 years old.

  • Exception: A customer presenting a major charge card with an acceptable corporate discount number can rent at 18 years old without an underage fee.

A customer presenting an acceptable bank debit card must be at least 25 years old.  (See Debit Card Policies for acceptable car groups and full details.)

  • Exception: A customer presenting an acceptable bank debit card with a corporate discount number can rent at 21 years old without an underage fee.

A customer presenting an Avis charge card, government-issued Visa/MasterCard or government travel/purchase orders can rent any car class at age 18 without an underage fee.

DMV Checks

At the time of rental, the renter or authorized driver may be subject to an electronic DMV check from the issuing state of the driver's license, or may be asked to sign a declaration attesting to specific criteria:

  • The renter/authorized driver has a valid license that is not currently suspended, expired, revoked, canceled or surrendered.
  • The renter/authorized driver has not, within the last 36 months had 1 or more convictions for reckless driving.
  • The renter/authorized driver has not, within the last 36 months had 1 or more convictions for driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), or driving while alcohol impaired (DWAI).
  • The renter/authorized driver has not, within the last 36 months failed to report or leave the scene of an accident.
  • The renter/authorized driver has never been in possession of a stolen vehicle or used a vehicle in a crime.
  • The renter/authorized driver has not, within the last 24 months had 3 or more convictions for moving violations (including seat belt violations).
  • The renter/authorized driver has not, within the last 36 months had 3 or more accidents

Fuel Policy

Fuel Service Charge. Most rentals come with a full tank of fuel, but that is not always the case.

Where available, if permitted by law, if you drive less than 75 miles, you acknowledge that we will add a flat fee to the rental, the amount of which will be disclosed on the Rental Contract and at the counter prior to rental. You may avoid this charge at time of return by providing a receipt for fuel purchased at which time the flat fee will be reversed from your total rental charges. If this subparagraph (a) does not apply, there are three refueling options:

1) If you do not accept the fuel service option, where available, at the beginning of your rental, and you return the car with less fuel than was in it when you received it, as we determine in our sole discretion, we will charge you a fuel service charge at the applicable rate per-mile or rate per-gallon specified on the Rental Contract or disclosed at the location. The per-mile rate is used if you do not buy fuel during the rental. To calculate this amount, we multiply the number of miles driven, as shown on the car’s odometer (or provided by the vehicle's telematics device), times the per-mile rate shown on the Rental Contract. The per gallon rate is used if you buy fuel during the rental and provide us with a receipt on our request, but the tank is not as full when you return the car as when you received the car (by using the factory installed gauge, rounded down to the nearest 1/8 tank), times the per-gallon rate shown on the Rental Contract.

Although two methods are used for ease of calculation, the per mile and per-gallon rates produce approximately the same result. Some of our cars are equipped with onboard telematics which record the actual amounts of fuel in the gas tank. In the event your car has such a device, you will be charged for the actual amount of gasoline needed to fill the tank based on the reading of this device.

2) If you accept the fuel service option at the beginning of your rental, you will be charged as shown on the Rental Contract for that purchase and you will not pay us a fuel service charge. If you choose this option, you will not incur an additional fuel service charge, but you will not receive any credit for fuel left in the tank at the time of return.  If you accept the partial fuel service option at the beginning of your rental, you will be charged as shown on the Rental Contract for that purchase and you will pay a fuel service charge for any fuel not covered by the partial fuel service option. The per-gallon cost of the fuel service option will always be lower than the fuel service charge. The cost of refueling the car yourself at a local service station may be lower than the fuel service charge or the fuel service option. You acknowledge that the fuel service charge is not a retail sale of fuel.

3) You may avoid a fuel service charge if you return the car with the fuel tank as full as when you received it and, if requested by us, present a receipt for your fuel purchase. If you put fuel into the car, you must use the correct fuel (having the grade of gasoline stated on the car fuel information decal, or on-road diesel). Do not use ethanol fuel even if the car states that it is a flex-fuel vehicle.

Rate Requirements

Renters who have indicated a country of residence outside of the US will be required to present a non US issued drivers license and a non US issued passport OR an international airline ticket at the time of rental to qualify for the rate.

Rental Options

If you have added any of the following rental options to your reservations, terms and conditions may apply.


  • Available at participating locations.
  • Minimum age is 25 but may vary by locations, underage surcharges may apply at certain locations.
  • Reliability of directions subject to timing of software implementation as well as that of which has been provided by the maker of the installed maps.
  • I (renter) acknowledge that the rental vehicle may be equipped with GPS (global positioning satellite system). I acknowledge that the satellite system may be limited by atmospheric or topographical conditions. I further acknowledge that the GPS unit may be rendered inoperative if it is tampered with or destroyed and or damaged in an accident or if the satellite systems are obstructed and inoperative.
  • Customer is responsible for all costs in the event of lost, stolen or damaged GPS unit and all of its components.
  • Renter agrees to release and hold Avis harmless for any GPS unit failures. 

Gas Service Option

  • Fees for the Gas Service Option are not included in the Estimated Total.
  • Fees are assessed and applied at the time of rental.
  • Fees vary by location and are determined by current market value of gasoline in surrounding area of rental location and the fuel tank size of rental vehicle.
  • Customer will receive no credit or refund for unused fuel left in tank at time of return.

Extended Roadside Assistance

  • Taxes not included in the Estimated Total will be applied at the time of rental.
  • Extended Roadside Assistance service is available at all participating locations in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, & U.S. Virgin Islands and New Zealand.
  • Extended Roadside Assistance covers the cost for assistance with key replacement, lockouts, tire change service fee, jump starts and emergency fuel delivery (up to 3 gallons).
  • Prohibited use of the vehicle will void this option.


  • Taxes not included in the Estimated Total will be applied at the time of rental.
  • Available at participating U.S. locations  

Other Options

  • Rental options not selected/offered on the website can not be modified online.
  • Taxes not included in the Estimated Total will be applied at the time of rental.
  • Any modifications to these rental options must be made by contacting customer service or can be made at the rental counter.

Rental Terms and Conditions

View the Avis Rental terms and conditions.

If you are booking with Amazon Benefits, additional Amazon Terms and Conditions apply.

SMS Policy

Avis Mobile Notifications is a standard rated subscription alert service providing time-sensitive mobile alerts and MMS to customers that include updates to the customer's current and upcoming rentals, and information about claims or inquiries relating to past rentals. By providing your phone number you agree to receive text messages, including text messages sent by an automatic telephone dialing system ("ATDS"), from us and our service partners regarding your rental. Messaging frequency varies based on customer journey. We will not use an ATDS to send you texts for marketing purposes unless we receive your prior express written consent. You are not required to provide consent in order to purchase any of our goods or services.

To Opt-Out of marketing text messages text "STOP" from your mobile device in response to a marketing text message. You can also manage your preferences to receive marketing text messages by updating your Avis profile at Simply select "No" from the SMS Notifications option in the communication preference section of your profile.

To get help, text "HELP" in response to a text message or email or call 1-800-352-7900.

Carriers Supported (U.S. only)
AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile®, Verizon Wireless, Virgin Mobile USA, U.S. Cellular®, Metro PCS, ACS Wireless, All West Wireless, Bluegrass, Boost USA, Cambridge Telecom, Cellcom, Cellular South, Centennial, Cincinnati Bell, Cricket Communications, Cellular One of East Central Illinois, Appalachian Wireless, Farmer's Mutual Telephone Company, General Communications, Golden State Cellular, PC Management, Inland Cellular, Illinois Valley Cellular, Nex-Tech Wireless, Nucla-Naturita, nTelos, Revol, Silver Star PCS (Gold Star), Snake River PCS, South Central, Syringa, Thumb Cellular, UBET Wireless, Unicel, United Wireless, and West Central Wireless. 
*T-Mobile is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages

Carriers Supported (Canada only)
Aliant Mobility, Bell Mobility, Eastlink, Fido, Mobilicity, MTS, NorthernTel Mobility, Public Mobile, Rogers Wireless, SaskTel Mobility, Telébec Mobilité, TELUS Mobility, Vidéotron, Virgin Mobile Canada, WIND Mobile

Complete Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy:

Avis will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS messages connected with our SMS Gateway. Delivery of SMS messages is subject to effective transmission from your wireless service provider/network operator.

We will only use your information to provide you the services you request and as set forth in our privacy notice which can be found at

Avis does not charge a fee for text messaging service. Standard messaging and data rates may apply, we are not responsible for any charges from a person's service provider that may result from us providing this service. Avis assumes no responsibility for charges incurred by signing up for this text messaging service. Any text messaging fees that you incur will be billed on your individual mobile provider bill.


Towing is not permitted. Vehicles cannot be used to tow or push anything.  A trailer hitch cannot be installed on the vehicles.

Travel Into Other Countries

Vehicles may be driven into Canada with no restrictions. The rental counter must be notified at the time of the rental that you plan to drive into Canada so the location can provide a copy of the "Canadian Non-Resident Insurance Card" or you may download the card here (provided at no cost). Based on availability, one-way rentals may be allowed to some Canada cities.


Mexico:  Vehicles rented at this location are not allowed to travel into Mexico.

Travel Into Other States

Vehicles at this location can be driven throughout the continental U.S. with no restrictions.  Based on availability, one-way rentals may be allowed to some U.S. cities.



You are responsible for payment of all tolls incurred during the rental period. We offer an optional service called e-toll that allows customers to use electronic toll lanes on highways, bridges, tunnels, and other tolled passages. All vehicles are pre-equipped to electronically process tolls. If you do not pay cash for tolls, you automatically opt into our e-toll service to which you agree to pay us or our toll program administrator with whom we will share your credit card/debit information for all tolls incurred during your rental and all related fees, charges, and penalties. The e-toll fees may take 4-8 weeks after the rental to be billed to your credit card/debit card on file.


  • For our corporate renters who use their corporate discount number (AWD) on the rental contract, the convenience fee for e-Toll usage is $5.95 USD for each day the E-Toll device is used during the rental with a maximum of $29.75 USD per rental contract (plus toll charges).
  • For all other customers, the convenience fee for e-Toll usage is $6.95 USD for each day the E-Toll device is used during the rental with a maximum of $34.75 USD per rental contract (plus toll charges).

Additional Notes
All toll charges incurred will be paid at the maximum prevailing non-discounted or cash rates posted by the toll authority. 
There are NO service charges if e-Toll is NOT USED during the rental duration.


Available at participating locations in the following states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.
If you use the unlimited E-Toll service, all cost of tolls and convenience Fees are included. For this service, you pay a flat fee of $10.99 up to $23.99 USD per each day of the rental period, regardless of whether or not you incur any tolls, or a flat fee of $54.95 up to $119.95 USD per week. E-toll unlimited must be purchased at the beginning of the rental.

If you do not choose e-toll unlimited at the time of rental, you may avoid the standard e-toll fees on any given day during the term of the rental if you ensure the transponder shield box is in the "closed" position and you pay cash for all tolls, use your own adequately funded, properly mounted and compatible electronic toll device to pay for all tolls, or pay the toll authority directly and follow the toll authority rules and requirements.

For more information on tolling, please visit or check at the time of rental.