Louer une voiture at Shk Marwan Bldg

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{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
{{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
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* Optionnel

Remarque : Les tarifs sont calculés selon les détails que vous nous fournissez. Les modifications peuvent changer votre tarif et si c'est le cas, la page Choix du véhicule sera affichée de nouveau.

Vos avantages ont été appliqués ! Conditions applicables

Shk Marwan Bldg (JB4)

Adresse :

Sheikh Zayed Rd,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Téléphone :

(971) 4 5186822

Heures d'exploitation :

Sun 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Mon - Sat 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Free pickup service available

Modalités et conditions

Politiques en matière de carte de crédit

Nous acceptons toutes les principales cartes de crédit (MASTER, VISA, JCB, DINERS, AMERICAN EXPRESS
ET UNION PAY), les cartes de paiement Avis, les coupons Avis ou BCL d’entreprise, comme mode de
Les bons de commande locaux (BCL) sont acceptés par les entreprises qui sont déjà inscrites localement/internationalement avec AVIS UAE et répondent à tous les critères requis.

La carte de crédit doit être valide pendant au moins 3 mois à compter du jour de la location et elle doit être physiquement disponible au moment de la prise en charge du véhicule. Veuillez noter que dans tous les cas, les CARTES DE DÉBIT, LES CARTES PRÉPAYÉES, LES CARTES DE RECHARGE, LES CARTES APPLE PAY, GOOGLE PAY ou LES CARTES DE CRÉDIT VIRTUELLES ne sont pas acceptées comme « sécurité ».

Cartes de crédit de la Banque russe : Comme indiqué par les émetteurs internationaux de cartes de crédit et de débit, nous n’acceptons pas temporairement les cartes de crédit/débit émises par la Russie et/ou les banques russes.
En cas de remboursement, le client doit fournir une autre plateforme de remboursement acceptable à Avis UAE sous réserve de l'approbation pour traiter le remboursement.


Les frais estimés de location, de services à valeur ajoutée et d’assurance sont payables
à l’avance.

Une carte de crédit est obligatoire pour toute réservation, sauf en cas de coupons à crédit complet. Une préautorisation
est prise au moment de la location, incluant le montant de la franchise et tous
frais imprévus comme le carburant, les amendes de circulation, les frais de porte à péage, les frais de dommages, etc. Le montant
le montant de l'autorisation sur la carte de crédit est compris entre 3 000 et 5 000 AED, en fonction de la catégorie de véhicule loué.
3 000 AED seront retenus pour les catégories de véhicules A, B, C, D, E, J et K et 5 000 AED seront retenus pour les catégories de véhicules restantes F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O et P.

Nous conservons le montant de l'autorisation préalable jusqu'à ce que nous recevions une confirmation concernant les amendes routières et
les droits de péage des AR (autorités routières). Cela peut prendre jusqu’à 15 à 21
jours ouvrables à compter de la date de la transaction pour débloquer le montant bloqué (préautorisation) sur la carte de crédit.

Politiques en matière de carte de débit

Les cartes de débit ne sont pas acceptées comme mode de sécurité. Nous acceptons les cartes de débit uniquement pour les paiements.

Permis de conduire

Exigences en matière de permis de conduire et de pièce d’identité

a) Permis de conduire

Tous les conducteurs doivent être titulaires d'un permis de conduire valide depuis au moins un (1) an.
Le permis de conduire physique doit être présenté au moment de la prise en charge et transporté pendant votre période de location.

b) Résidents des EAU
Un permis de conduire valide des EAU est obligatoire.
Veuillez noter que conduire sans permis de conduire valide des EAU lorsque vous êtes titulaire d’un visa de résidence ou d’emploi est une violation de la loi des EAU et qu’AVIS UAE refusera de louer.

c) Non-résidents des EAU

Toutes les personnes ne résidant pas aux EAU sont tenues de détenir un permis de conduire international valide ainsi que leur permis de conduire national, à l’exception des conducteurs détenant un permis de conduire des pays suivants. Veuillez visiter le lien du gouvernement des EAU pour les mises à jour.

** Le permis de conduire local d’Israël n’est pas valide pour conduire aux EAU. Le client doit présenter un permis de conduire international valide.
Pays du CCG : Bahreïn, Koweït, Royaume d'Arabie saoudite, Oman, Qatar
Pays européen :Albanie, Autriche, Belgique, Grande-Bretagne, Bulgarie, Chypre, République tchèque, Danemark, Estonie, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Irlande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pologne, Roumanie, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Espagne, Suède, Suisse, République du Monténégro, Turquie, Ukraine
Pays nord-américains : États-Unis d'Amérique, Canada
Pays d'Asie de l'Est : Australie, Hong Kong, Japon, Nouvelle-Zélande, République populaire de Chine, Singapour, Corée du Sud

États d'Afrique : Afrique du Sud

Responsabilité civile et dommages matériels

L'assurance responsabilité civile est conforme aux lois sur les assurances du pays.  Le client peut demander des informations supplémentaires sur les avantages, les conditions et l'acceptation au moment de la location.

Remarque : Certains émetteurs de cartes de crédit offrent une couverture, sous réserve de certaines restrictions, à titre d’avantage pour avoir loué leur véhicule.  On conseille au client de communiquer avec l’émetteur de la carte avant la location.  Toute renonciation doit être mentionnée directement à l’arrivée, en même temps que la location.


Conduite tout-terrain
Non autorisé. Le client est entièrement responsable de tout dommage ou coût supplémentaire.
Règles de la circulation
Conduire à droite.
Fin de semaine
Samedi et dimanche
Prise en charge de votre véhicule réservé
Un véhicule relatif à une réservation sera réservé pour un maximum de 6 heures à compter de la date et de l'heure d'échéance de la prise en charge. Toute prise en charge après les 6 heures mentionnées sera soumise à disponibilité.

Les frais estimés de location, de services à valeur ajoutée et d’assurance sont payables
à l’avance.

Une carte de crédit est obligatoire pour toute réservation, sauf en cas de coupons à crédit complet. Une préautorisation
est prise au moment de la location, incluant le montant de la franchise et tous
frais imprévus comme le carburant, les amendes de circulation, les frais de porte à péage, les frais de dommages, etc. Le montant
de la préautorisation sur la carte de crédit est compris entre 1 600 et 5 100 AED, en fonction de la catégorie de véhicule
1 600 AED seront retenus pour les catégories de véhicules A, B, C, D, E et K, 2 500 AED seront retenus pour les catégories de véhicules J et 5 100 AED seront retenus pour les catégories restantes F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O et P.

Nous conservons le montant de l'autorisation préalable jusqu'à ce que nous recevions une confirmation concernant les amendes routières et
les droits de péage des AR (autorités routières). Cela peut prendre jusqu’à 15 à 21
jours ouvrables à compter de la date de la transaction pour débloquer le montant bloqué (préautorisation) sur la carte de crédit.

Service de dépannage automobile

Dans l'éventualité peu probable d'une panne, veuillez communiquer avec le centre d'appels au 800 AVIS (2847) ou au +971 4 330 7272. Le service est disponible 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 ; les frais varient selon l'emplacement.
Réparations et entretien
Toutes les réparations et l'entretien doivent être effectués uniquement dans les ateliers AVIS. Le client est entièrement responsable de tous les dommages et coûts supplémentaires en cas de réparation, de changement de pièces du véhicule ou d'entretien.
Utilisation du véhicule loué
Les véhicules AVIS doivent être utilisés uniquement pour le transport de passagers non commercial. Des frais de voiturier seront facturés pour le transport d’un animal de compagnie ou l’utilisation abusive du véhicule. Seuls les conducteurs autorisés, indiqués sur le contrat de location, sont autorisés à conduire un véhicule AVIS.

Política de conductor adicional

Esto está sujeto a las disposiciones de calificación para conducir un vehículo de Avis EAU y se cobrarán AED 20.00  por día, AED 105.00 por semana, hasta un máximo de AED 150.00 por mes.

Información para atención fuera del horario de oficina

Esto es válido para las oficinas de AVIS del centro que no están abiertas las 24 horas. Para dejar el vehículo fuera del horario de atención, debe devolverse en cualquiera de las oficinas de Avis en los aeropuertos que estén abiertas las 24 horas.

El cliente puede solicitar la recogida del automóvil de conformidad con los términos de recogida a un costo adicional según la ubicación.

Requisitos de edad

La edad mínima es de 21 años para los grupos A a E. Para todos los demás grupos de vehículos, la edad mínima es de 25 años. No existe un límite máximo de edad.


Cancelaciones/No presentación

Si cancela su reserva 72 horas antes de la fecha/hora de retiro de su vehículo, no se aplicarán cargos por cancelación y se reembolsará el monto.

Si cancela su reserva dentro de las 72 horas previas a la fecha/hora de retiro del vehículo de alquiler
que se muestra en su reserva, se aplicará un cargo por cancelación fijo se aplicará una tasa de cancelación fija, similar al monto del alquiler por 3 días

Se aplicarán las mismas condiciones para las reservaciones realizadas y canceladas dentro de las 72 horas de la fecha/hora de retiro del vehículo de alquiler.

Si ha alquilado un vehículo por menos de 3 días, no se aplicará ningún reembolso.

No se realizará ningún reembolso si el cliente no se presenta en una oficina de alquiler de un vehículo que no ha sido cancelado antes de la fecha/hora de retiro.

Retiro y Devolución de su vehículo

El período de alquiler mínimo es de un día (24 horas) con un período de gracia máximo de 29 minutos a partir del vencimiento del plazo acordado. En el caso de que la devolución tardía del vehículo exceda el período de gracia, AVIS EAU se reserva el derecho de cobrar un cargo diario adicional a la tarifa vigente, incluidos los cargos por las opciones tomadas para cada día.


Los servicios de entrega y recogida están disponibles, a pedido, sujetos a la disponibilidad de conductor y del vehículo. Las reservaciones para entrega o recogida deben realizarse a través de nuestro Centro de llamadas en el 800 AVIS (2847) o el +971 4 330 7272, o por correo electrónico en callcentre@avisuae.ae.

  • Entrega y recogida dentro de los límites de la ciudad del mismo emirato donde la reservación realizada será de AED 75

Se aplicará una tarifa de una vía para la entrega y recogida en diferentes emiratos:

Ubicaciones de Dubái y Emiratos del Norte Abu Dabi o viceversa 300
Dubái y Sharjah Emiratos del Norte o viceversa 200
Abu Dhabi Ruwais o viceversa 500
Dubái Ruwais o viceversa 800

Early Returns

There will be no refund for unused rental days on a Prepaid/Pay on Arrival Rental, once the rental has started.

If you return the vehicle and any optional extras early, you will lose the benefit of any special offers if you no longer meet the requirements. This may result in the rental costing you more.


A surcharge of AED 50 is applicable, over and above the traffic fine as a handling administration fee.

Fuel Policy

As a standard, AVIS UAE has a full-to-full fuel policy. This means that customers are expected to return the car with a full tank of fuel. Service charges apply when a customer miss refueling the vehicle before return.

AVIS UAE offers customers the option of Advance Fuel Purchase. This is a convenient way to avoid the hassle of looking for a fuel station to top up and prevent any penalties during off-
hire. Simply opt for the Pre-Paid Fuel and return the vehicle with the fuel level of choice and avoid any impact on the final invoice. There is no refund on unused fuel.

General Information

Tax: VAT of 5% will be applicable on all invoices related to rental and related services that are generated from 1st January 2018 or any part of the service/invoice fall within/after the 1st January 2018, irrespective of the booking confirmation made earlier.

Toll Gate System (SALIK): Toll gate fee is charged at AED 6 per crossing.

Vehicle Registration Fee: A fee of AED 5 per day or maximum AED 75 per month will be applied to each rental.

Location Exceptions

Airport Surcharge
A surcharge is applicable for all rentals (pick up as well as drop off) at any airport locations in the UAE. This surcharge is applicable only once per rental. A surcharge of AED 50 applies for rentals at Dubai International Airport (Terminal 1, Terminal 2 and Terminal 3), Abu Dhabi Airport & Sharjah Airport.
AED 25.00 at Al Maktoum Airport in the UAE.


Vehicle Registration Fee
A fee of AED 5 per day or maximum AED 75 per month will be applied to each rental.

Miscellaneous Information

Valet Charges
Valeting charges will be applied if the Vehicle is returned in a condition that requires specialized cleaning (Example: Sand or mud particles found in the car, pet hair on the seats, tea, coffee, or any other edible items staining the car seats and interior, etc.), Charges would be estimated by the workshop depends on the labour and required material costs and minimum valet charge would be AED 250. If the car is returned with an extremely dirty exterior, there will be a charge of AED 50 as valet charges.
Tire Replacement Service Charge
A surcharge of AED 100 will be charged, over and above the tire repair costs or applicable excess, as a handling administration fee.
Tint Film Removal
A fee of AED 100 will be charged if the rented vehicle is returned with tinted film on the windows.
Rent a car vehicles cannot have tint film on the windows as per UAE law. Renter is liable to bear fine costs and admin fee in the case that tint film is placed on the rented vehicle.
Non- Smoking Charges 

Avis operates a non-smoking fleet. Vehicles returned with smoke or unacceptable odor will require a full valet and as such a fee of 500 AED shall be chargeable to the customer.
Accident Service Charge
A fee of AED 75 per accident will be charged as an accident handling administration fee, over and above the damage repair costs or applicable excess.

Mandatory Documentation
The following documents are mandatory to rent a vehicle from AVIS UAE and must be presented physically at the counter,

  • Valid Passport & Emirates ID.
  • Valid Visa/Entry Documents (UAE entry stamp or visa page).
  • Valid Driving license issued at least 1 year before the rental pick-up date.
  • Valid International Driving Permit, where applicable, for Renters who are on UAE visit/tourist visa along with local driving licence.
  • Valid Credit Card under the name of the renter for security deposit with minimum 03 months validity from the rental start date.

Important: For Renters who opt for delivery, the above-mentioned documents should be
emailed to customerservice@avisuae.ae at least two hours prior to the scheduled delivery.

Right to Refuse
AVIS UAE reserves the right to refuse the car to any customer for any reason, including but not limited to:

  • Who fails to arrive on time or produce physical mandatory documents and a valid credit card with sufficient available funds for the security deposit/payments.
  • Customers under the influence of alcohol, hallucinatory drugs, narcotics, barbiturates, or any other substance impairing his/her consciousness or ability to react
  • Abusive behaviour towards the Company vehicle or asset /employees

In such a case, unless the rental has been cancelled in advance, the customer will not be entitled to a refund.

One Way Rentals

A one-way drop-off fee is applicable when renting a vehicle in one emirate/city and dropping it off in another emirate/city within the UAE. Charges depend on the type of vehicle rented and the city limit.

  • Between Emirates, depends on vehicle category Min AED 200/- & Max AED 300/-
  • Vehicles cannot be driven and/or dropped off outside the United Arab Emirates without prior approval and consent of AVIS UAE.

Ruwais Dubai/Sharjah 500
Ruwais Abu Dhabi 300
UAE Oman except Salalah 2000
UAE Salalah 3000


Request Pickup

Charges vary depending on the location. Call Centre on 800 AVIS (2847) or +9714 330 7272 or via email on callcentre@avisuae.ae

Fuel Policy

Should I bring the vehicle back with a full tank of fuel?
Yes. The vehicle will normally be supplied with a full tank of fuel. You must return it to us with the same amount of fuel it had in it when you picked it up, usually a full tank, as shown on the factory-installed fuel gauge. We recommend you fill up as close to the return location as you can on the return date and keep the receipt to show us. If you do not return the vehicle with a full tank and you can not show us a receipt for fuel we will charge you.

Fuel Options

I plan to travel more than 120 kilometres, and want peace of mind, do you have a fuel option for me?
Yes, with Fuel Up Front you pay for a full tank of fuel, based on the manufacturers stated fuel tank capacity for your vehicle plus our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you. Then you just return the vehicle with whatevers left in the tank (even if it is virtually empty) so long as the engine still runs.
How do I calculate the cost of Fuel Up Front?
Depending on where you are renting, we charge the average fuel price at the start of your rental period as stated on this EU fuel index:
WWW.GALP.PT. However, you do not get a refund for any fuel you do not use.
Can I get Fuel up Front at any time?
No, if you want to take advantage of Fuel Up Front, you must ask for it during the booking process or when you pick up the vehicle.
I plan to travel less than 120 kilometres , do I still need to fill up?
Yes, often the fuel gauges still look full so we ask you to fill up the tank near to the return location and show us a copy of the receipt. If you do not have time to fill up the tank, or can not show us a receipt, we will apply EZ Fuel to cover our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you.
How much is EZ Fuel?
Depending on where you are renting, you pay of fixed fee of 17.22 EUR.
What are my options if I do not return the vehicle full and have not bought Fuel up Front?
Pay on Return will apply if you have driven more than 120 kilometres and:

  • Do not buy Fuel Up Front
  • Do not return the vehicle with a full tank

How do I calculate the cost of Pay on Return?
You pay for fuel based on the factory-installed fuel gauge rounded down to the nearest eighth (1/8) of a tank. This is based on the manufacturers stated fuel tank capacity.
We charge the average fuel price at the end of the rental period for Portugal as stated on this EU fuel index: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/data-and-analysis_en. The price per litre will be stated on your rental agreement plus a processing fee of EUR 22.14. This charge covers our cost of driving to the nearest petrol station at short notice, and potentially delaying the next customers rental.


Electric Vehicles

How much battery charge should I return an electric vehicle with?


You must return the vehicle with at least a 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up.

What am i charged if I fail to return an electric vehicle with the required 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up?

We charge a fixed amount dependent on the battery life showing on the factory-installed battery gauge. This is the Pay on Return rate. the amounts charged are set out below:

Battery Charge Fixed cost (inclusive of VAT)
If you return the electric vehicle with 70% or more battery charge. No Cost
If you return the electric vehicle with between 11%-69% battery charge. EUR 20.69
If you return the electric vehicle with 10% or less battery charge EUR 36.20

ID Requirements

Do I need to bring proof of identification?
Yes, you must bring:

  • the payment card that was used to make your booking. For some vehicles, two payment cards in your name will be required. One of these must be the payment card used to make your booking.
  • photo ID featuring a recognisable photo taken in the last 10 years. We will accept your passport or a national identity card.

You may also need to bring proof of where you live. This could include a recent utility bill or bank statement. If your driving licence shows your address, we will accept it as proof of your address.

Other requirements

Will I need to give a pre-authorisation or pay a security deposit?
Yes, you must give us a pre-authorisation on your payment card before we release the vehicle to you. A pre-authorisation holds money in your account.
If you wish to pay in cash, we will take a security deposit instead.
What do I need to do to give a pre-authorisation or security deposit?
You will need to give us a payment card in your own name that has enough money available on it.
How much is the pre-authorisation or security deposit?

The amount of the pre-authorisation taken on pick-up of the rental vehicle is calculated as follows:
(The vehicle rental price* + EUR 200 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) MINUS (Any sum you have already paid when making a "Pay Now" booking)

* The "vehicle rental price" includes the vehicle rental cost and all optional extras you've requested, calculated at the start of the rental based on the intended length of the rental. For the avoidance of any doubt, any "Pay at Location" amount you owe in relation to the vehicle rental (including any optional extras) will be included as part of the pre-authorisation and will be charged to you at the end of the rental (using the card provided for the purposes of the pre-authorisation, unless agreed otherwise).

** If you buy our "Fuel Up Front" product, we will reduce the EUR 200 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) by the amount we charge you for the "Fuel Up Front" product

The EUR 200 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) is included as part of the pre-authorisation in case we have to charge you at the end of the rental for any of the following:
i. costs to refuel the vehicle (where relevant);
ii. additional rental charges in circumstances where you fail to return the vehicle or any optional extras at the end of the agreed rental period (or to the agreed return location);
iii. any additional charges or fines you incur relating to your use of the vehicle (which we have been notified of prior to you returning the vehicle, which will include, for example, charges relating to traffic violations); and/or
iv. costs incurred as a result of exceeding any relevant mileage restrictions.
Where the pre-authorisation we take does not cover the charges you incur, we will request you make a further payment for the additional amounts owed.

Fuel Policy

Should I bring the vehicle back with a full tank of fuel?
Yes. The vehicle will normally be supplied with a full tank of fuel. You must return it to us with the same amount of fuel it had in it when you picked it up usually a full tank as shown on the factory-installed fuel gauge.  We recommend you fill up as close to the return location as you can on the return date, and keep the receipt to show us. If you do not return the vehicle with a full tank and you can not show us a receipt for fuel we will charge you.

Fuel Options

I plan to travel more than 120 kilometres, and want peace of mind, do you have a fuel option for me?
Yes, with Fuel Up Front you pay for a full tank of fuel, based on the manufacturers stated fuel tank capacity for your vehicle plus our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you. Then you just return the vehicle with whatevers left in the tank (even if its virtually empty) so long as the engine still runs.

How do I calculate the cost of Fuel Up Front?
Depending on where you are renting, we charge the average fuel price at the start of your rental period as stated on this EU fuel index http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/statistics/weekly-oil-bulletin. However, you do not get a refund for any fuel you do not use.

Can I get Fuel up Front at any time?
No, if you want to take advantage of Fuel Up Front, you must ask for it during the booking process or when you pick up the vehicle.

I plan to travel less than 120 kilometres, do I still need to fill up?
Yes, often the fuel gauges stills look full so we ask you to fill up the tank near to the return location and show us a copy of the receipt.  If you do not have time to fill up the tank, or can not show us a receipt, we will apply EZ Fuel to cover our costs of refuelling the vehicle for you.

How much is EZ Fuel?
Depending on where you are renting, you pay of fixed fee of between 16.94 Euro and 18.00 Euro.  

What are my options if I do not return the vehicle full and have not bought Fuel up Front?
Pay on Return will apply if you have driven more than 120 kilometres and:

  • Do not buy Fuel Up Front
  • Do not return the vehicle with a full tank

How do I calculate the cost of Pay on Return?
You pay for fuel based on the factory-installed fuel gauge rounded down to the nearest eighth (1/8) of a tank. This is based on the manufacturers stated fuel tank capacity.
We charge between 1.5 and three times the average fuel price at the end of the rental period for Spain as stated on this EU fuel index: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/statistics/weekly-oil-bulletin plus a refuelling charge of between 27.59 Euro and 41.00 Euro. The price per litre will be stated on your rental agreement.This charge covers our cost of driving to the nearest petrol station at short notice, and potentially delaying the next customers rental.

Electric Vehicles

How much battery charge should I return an electric vehicle with?


You must return the vehicle with at least a 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up.

What am i charged if I fail to return an electric vehicle with the required 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up?

We charge a fixed amount dependent on the battery life showing on the factory-installed battery gauge. This is the Pay on Return rate. the amounts charged are set out below:

Battery Charge Fixed cost (inclusive of VAT)
If you return the electric vehicle with 70% or more battery charge. No Cost
If you return the electric vehicle with between 11%-69% battery charge. EUR 24.41
If you return the electric vehicle with 10% or less battery charge EUR 43.36