Alquilar un coche at Cordova, TN

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Su código de descuento corporativo no es válido. Pídale a su administrador de viajes que verifique el código de descuento en SAP Concur.
Lo sentimos, el sitio no responde correctamente a su solicitud. Inténtelo de nuevo. Si el problema persiste, contáctenos.<{{vm.code}}> Reference Number <{{vm.referenceNumber}}>
Sesión iniciada exitosamente. Hemos reiniciado su reservación para asegurar que se incluyan sus preferencias de perfil.
¡Se han aplicado sus beneficios para miembros!   |   Se aplican términos
Número de Wizard de Avis *
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
{{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
msg.res.benefitsApplied,avis {{couponCount}}
Códigos de descuento {{couponCount}}*
Códigos de descuento {{couponCount}}*
Seleccione el tipo de vehículo *
No se puede usar su cupón para esta reserva. Sepa por qué.
Introduzca un Número de membresía válido.
Introduzca un Número de membresía válido.
Please enter a valid corporate email address.

* Opcional

Nota: Las tarifas se calculan con base en los detalles que usted proporcione. Algunas modificaciones pueden cambiar su tarifa, de ser así, volverá aparecer la página Selección de vehículos.

¡Sus beneficios han sido aplicados! Se aplican términos

Cordova, TN (CD8)


1018 North Germantown Parkway,
Cordova, TN, Tennessee, 38018, U S A


(1) 901-756-9970

Location Type:


Horario de servicio:

Sun 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

MEMORIAL DAY   May  27  08:00AM - 02:00PM
INDEPENDENCE DY   July  4  08:00AM - 02:00PM
LABOR DAY   September  2  08:00AM - 02:00PM
THANKSGIVING   November  28  closed
CHRISTMAS EVE   December  24  08:00AM - 04:00PM
CHRISTMAS DAY   December  25  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   December  31  08:00AM - 04:00PM

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed

Free pickup service available

Información sobre la oficina
Servicio Preferred
Diríjase al mostrador de alquiler de Avis. Muestre su licencia de conducir e identifíquese como Cliente Preferred ante el agente de alquiler de Avis para recibir sus documentos preimpresos de alquiler y las llaves.

Términos y condiciones

Coberturas Opcionales

La aceptación de la Exoneración en caso de pérdida o daños exime al cliente y a los conductores adicionales autorizados de la responsabilidad por la pérdida o el daño del vehículo de Avis, una vez que se satisfagan los términos y las condiciones que exhibe la funda del documento de alquiler. Al momento del alquiler, el cliente debe indicar con sus iniciales si acepta o rechaza la LDW y los servicios opcionales. La aceptación de la LDW y los servicios opcionales se deben rubricar en el mostrador de alquiler.
La LDW está sujeta a impuestos.

Si no se acepta la LDW, el cliente es responsable financieramente del valor total de lo siguiente:

  • Daño por accidente
  • Daño del vidrio
  • Accesorios hurtados (radio, batería, etc.)
  • Vandalismo
  • Hurto del vehículo


En Wisconsin, si el cliente no acepta la LDW, será responsable de la pérdida de o los daños al vehículo de Avis que resulten de un accidente o de un comportamiento imprudente o irresponsable.

En Illinois, si el cliente no acepta la LDW, será económicamente responsable de los siguientes tipos de daños, y el monto de la responsabilidad variará dependiendo del grupo del vehículo alquilado, desde $20,000.00 y hasta un máximo de $42,000.00 para alquileres:

  • Daño por accidente
  • Daño del vidrio
  • Accesorios hurtados (radio, batería, etc.)
  • Vandalismo
  • Hurto del vehículo

Cancelación de LDW
Luego de adquirir la LDW, esta debe permanecer en el contrato. El cliente tiene la opción de devolver el vehículo y terminar el contrato de alquiler; sin embargo, esto puede cambiar la tarifa del contrato de alquiler y podría aplicarse una tarifa diferente, posiblemente mayor, para un nuevo alquiler.

Los clientes que alquilen en Nueva York y adquieran la LDW en Nueva York pueden decidir cancelar sin costo alguno este servicio, dentro de ciertos lineamientos:

  • El alquiler debe ser de 2 o más días.
  • La cancelación se debe realizar dentro de las primeras 24 horas del alquiler.
  • El cliente real debe llevar el vehículo a una oficina para la correspondiente inspección y firmar el aviso de cancelación.

Lucro cesante
El cliente también puede ser responsable de reembolsar a Avis por los ingresos perdidos por no poder usar el vehículo durante la reparación del mismo o por no recuperarlo por haber sido robado (lo que se conoce como Lucro cesante).

Las coberturas de seguro globales siempre están sujetas a cambio. Verifique al momento del alquiler.

Normas sobre las tarjetas de crédito

¿Cuáles tarjetas de pago aceptan?

Aceptamos:Tarjetas American Express (excluyendo tarjetas American Express Traveller’s Cheque), Tarjetas Diners, tarjetas de crédito Visa, tarjetas de débito Visa, tarjetas de crédito MasterCard, tarjetas de débito MasterCard y tarjetas de pago emitidas por Avis.

No aceptamos tarjetas de pago digitales.

No aceptamos tarjetas Maestro, tarjetas Cirrus, tarjetas JCB, ninguna tarjeta prepagada, incluso con el logotipo de Visa o MasterCard ni ninguna otra tarjeta que no se haya indicado arriba.

Políticas para tarjetas de débito

Se aceptan tarjetas de débito.

Licencia de conducir

¿Debo tener mi licencia de conducir conmigo?
Sí.  Todos los conductores deben tener todas las partes de su licencia de conducir válida.  Deben tener tanto su licencia de conducir como una licencia de conducir internacional o una traducción oficial al inglés, notariada, de su licencia de conducir si:

  • una licencia de conducir fue emitida en Europa y usted alquila en un país fuera de Europa
  • O si una licencia fue emitida en un país no europeo y usted alquila fuera de ese país
  • O si una licencia de conducir fue emitida en un alfabeto diferente al romano como el árabe, griego, ruso, hebreo o japonés.

No aceptamos licencias de conducir digitales.

¿Hay un tiempo mínimo de emisión de mi licencia?
Sí.  Todos los conductores deben poseer licencias durante al menos 1 año.  Si una licencia no muestra que el conductor la posee por el tiempo mínimo, entonces debe proporcionar pruebas, como una de las siguientes:

  • Licencias de conducir anteriores
  • O una carta de su autoridad emisora de licencias de conducir que indique que el cliente la ha poseído por el tiempo mínimo.

Responsabilidad civil y daño a la propiedad

El seguro de responsabilidad civil cumple con las leyes de seguro del país.  El cliente puede solicitar información adicional de los beneficios, condiciones y aceptación en el momento del alquiler.

Nota: Algunas tarjetas de crédito proporcionan cobertura de seguro, con ciertas limitaciones, como beneficio por utilizar la tarjeta para alquilar vehículos.  Se recomienda al cliente comunicarse con el emisor de la tarjeta antes de alquilar el vehículo.  Cualquier exoneración se debe discutir directamente en la oficina al llegar.

Información adicional

La entrega y devolución en las estaciones ferroviarias de Francia están disponibles a cambio de una tarifa de EUR 14.90. Comuníquese con el centro de reservaciones para conocer los detalles.

Requisitos de edad

¿Qué edad debo tener para conducir un vehículo de alquiler?

Para conducir nuestros vehículos, usted y todos sus conductores deben tener por lo menos 21 años de edad y tener una licencia de conducir completa y válida con al menos 1 año de emitida al momento del alquiler. Para el alquiler de ciertos vehículos, si usted tiene una tarjeta Mou'v, usted y todos sus conductores deben tener por lo menos 19 años de edad y tener una licencia de conducir completa y válida con al menos 1 año de emitida al momento del alquiler. 

Tengo menos de 25 años; ¿necesito pagar un recargo por conductor joven?

Si usted o cualquiera de sus conductores es menor de 25 años al momento de retirar el vehículo, cada uno tendrá que pagar un recargo por conductor joven. El costo es de EUR 32,60 diarios, por conductor.
Si alquila el vehículo por más de 10 días, solo le cobraremos un máximo de 10 días y tendrá cobertura por la duración de su alquiler, hasta 30 días.

¿Existen restricciones en cuanto a la edad máxima del conductor?

No, siempre y cuando sea el titular de una licencia de conducir válida y vigente por no menos de un año.

Totales estimados

El total aproximado comprende la tarifa básica, los impuestos y los recargos. Elementos como los cupones de descuento, el cargo por registro, los asientos de seguridad para niños, el permiso para conductores personales y el combustible NO se incluyen en el total estimado. Las coberturas opcionales y las tarifas de solo ida están sujetas a impuestos en algunas oficinas. Este impuesto no se refleja en el Total estimado.

El total estimado puede variar dependiendo de las tasas de cambio vigentes al momento del alquiler.

Fuel Policy

Should I bring the vehicle back with a full tank of fuel?
Yes. The vehicle will normally be supplied with a full tank of fuel. You must return it to us with the same amount of fuel it had in it when you picked it up usually a full tank as shown on the factory-installed fuel gauge.  We recommend you fill up as close to the return location as you can on the return date, and keep the receipt to show us. If you don't return the vehicle with a full tank and you can't show us a receipt for fuel we will charge you.
Fuel Options

I plan to travel more than 120kilometres, and want peace of mind, do you have a fuel option for me?
Yes, with Fuel Up Front you pay for a full tank of fuel, based on the manufacturer's stated fuel tank capacity for your vehicle plus our costs of refueling the vehicle for you. Then you just return the vehicle with whatever's left in the tank (even if it's virtually empty) so long as the engine still runs.
How do I calculate the cost of Fuel Up Front?
Depending on where you’re renting, this cost could be up to 0.05 EUR per liter lower than the average fuel price at the start of your rental period as stated on this
EU fuel index:. However, you don't get a refund for any fuel you don't use.
Can I get Fuel up Front at any time?
No, if you want to take advantage of Fuel Up Front, you must ask for it during the booking process or when you pick up the vehicle.
I plan to travel less than 120 kilometers, do I still need to fill up?
Yes, often the fuel gauges stills look "full" so we ask you to fill up the tank near to the return location and show us a copy of the receipt.  If you don't have time to fill up the tank, or can't show us a receipt, we will apply EZ Fuel to cover our costs of refueling the vehicle for you.  
How much is EZ Fuel?
Depending on where you're renting, you pay of fixed fee of between 14.50 EUR and 17.00 EUR.  

What are my options if I don't return the vehicle full and haven't bought Fuel up Front?
Pay on Return will apply if you have driven more than 120 kilometers and:

  • Don't buy Fuel Up Front
  • Don't return the vehicle with a full tank

How do I calculate the cost of Pay on Return?
You pay for fuel based on the factory installed fuel gauge rounded down to the nearest eighth (1/8) of a tank. This is based on the manufacturer's stated fuel tank capacity.
We charge between 1.5 and three times the average fuel price at the end of the rental period for France as stated on this
EU fuel index: plus a service fee between 13 EUR and 15 EUR. The price per liter will be stated on your rental agreement. This charge covers our cost of driving to the nearest petrol station at short notice, and potentially delaying the next customer's rental.


Electric Vehicles

How much battery charge should I return an electric vehicle with?


You must return the vehicle with at least a 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up.

What am i charged if I fail to return an electric vehicle with the required 70% battery charge, or the same % battery charge as it had at the time of pick-up?

We charge a fixed amount dependent on the battery life showing on the factory-installed battery gauge. This is the Pay on Return rate. the amounts charged are set out below:

Battery Charge Fixed cost (inclusive of VAT)
If you return the electric vehicle with 70% or more battery charge. No Cost
If you return the electric vehicle with between 11%-69% battery charge. EUR 23.39
If you return the electric vehicle with 10% or less battery charge EUR 36.24

ID Requirements

Do I need to bring proof of identification?
Yes, you must bring:
  • the payment card that was used to make your booking, which need to be in the name of the main driver. For some vehicles, two payment cards in your name will be required. One of these must be the payment card used to make your booking.
  • Photo ID featuring a recognisable photo taken in the last 10 years. We will accept your passport or driving licence if it contains a photo, a national identity card or any other form of government issued identification.
    You shall imperatively ensure that the rental agreement indicates your own and personal postal address.
    You may also need to bring proof of where you live. This could include a recent utility bill or bank statement.
 Other requirements
Will I need to give a pre authorisation or pay a security deposit?
Yes, you must give us a pre authorisation on your payment card before we release the vehicle to you. A pre authorisation holds money in your account. 
If you wish to pay in cash, we will take a security deposit instead.
What do I need to do to give a pre authorisation or security deposit?
You'll need to give us a payment card in your own name that has enough money available on it. 
How much is the pre authorisation or security deposit?
The amount of the pre-authorisation taken on pick-up of the rental vehicle is calculated as follows:
(The vehicle rental price* + EUR 200 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) MINUS (Any sum you have already paid when making a "Pay Now" booking)

* The "vehicle rental price" includes the vehicle rental cost and all optional extras you've requested, calculated at the start of the rental based on the intended length of the rental. For the avoidance of any doubt, any "Pay at Location" amount you owe in relation to the vehicle rental (including any optional extras) will be included as part of the pre-authorisation and will be charged to you at the end of the rental (using the card provided for the purposes of the pre-authorisation, unless agreed otherwise).

** If you buy our "Fuel Up Front" product, we will reduce the EUR 200 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) by the amount we charge you for the "Fuel Up Front" product

The EUR 200 (or if applicable, the equivalent amount in your local currency) is included as part of the pre-authorisation in case we have to charge you at the end of the rental for any of the following:
i. costs to refuel the vehicle (where relevant);
ii. additional rental charges in circumstances where you fail to return the vehicle or any optional extras at the end of the agreed rental period (or to the agreed return location);
iii. any additional charges or fines you incur relating to your use of the vehicle (which we have been notified of prior to you returning the vehicle, which will include, for example, charges relating to traffic violations); and/or
iv. costs incurred as a result of exceeding any relevant mileage restrictions.
Where the pre-authorisation we take does not cover the charges you incur, we will request you make a further payment for the additional amounts owed.

Miscellaneous Information

Can I let anyone else drive?
Yes, but only if we have approved them. You must not let anyone else drive the vehicle.
We charge a fee for every Additional Driver we allow to drive the vehicle. The price depends on the location you’re renting from, but you can expect it to be between 8 EUR and 9  EUR per day, per driver.
If you rent the vehicle for more than 12 days, you'll only be charged for a maximum of 12 days and get cover for the duration of your rental, up to 30 days.
All additional drivers must meet our age, driving license and ID requirements.

If any additional driver is outside of our age restrictions, we will also charge a driver surcharge.

Do you offer a 'meet and greet' service? Yes, in some of our airport and train station rental locations.
The 'meet and greet' fee is 20 EUR.
You must give us at least 24 hours' notice to organize a 'meet and greet' pick up. We may be able to provide the service at shorter notice, but you will need to check with the Reservations team.

Can I pick up the vehicle outside your normal opening hours?
Yes, some airport and train station rental locations offer an out of hour's pick-up service where you can collect the vehicle and any optional extras outside the rental location's normal opening hours.
The out of hour's pick up fee is 40 EUR.
You must give us at least 24 hours' notice to organize out of hour's pick-up. We may be able to provide the service at shorter notice, but you will need to check with the Reservations team.

My rental has a mileage allowance.  I have driven more than the allowance, how much will I pay for excess mileage
Many of our vehicles are provided with unlimited mileage. If a mileage allowance applies, it will be stated on your rental agreement and in your booking confirmation email. If you go over the mileage allowance, the price depends on the vehicle and location but you can expect it to costs between 0.75 EUR and 1.21 EUR for every kilometer you’ve driven over the allowance. Your excess mileage charge will be stated on your rental agreement.

Can I smoke in the vehicle?
No, it is against the law to smoke in public places in France. The vehicle is considered a public place so you are not allowed to smoke in it. If we believe anyone has smoked in the vehicle during the rental period, a specialist cleaning charge will apply.

Are there any roads or zones where I need to pay a fee before I can enter?
Yes, certain areas, such as the centre of London, have congestion charging zones meaning you need to pay a fee if you wish to drive in certain areas, on certain days and during certain times.  In addition, there are toll roads and toll bridges which require you to pay a fee if you wish to use them.  If you do not pay these charges before you enter such areas or use such roads or bridges, you will incur a fine. 

We recommend you check the Internet to find out about any restricted areas before you travel.  Websites such as provide useful information.  If the rental location is in or near a restricted area, we will tell you about it when you pick up the vehicle.  We are unable to tell you about any other restricted areas.

I have been caught speeding, and didn't pay a parking charge, what will I have to pay?
You are responsible for all fines and charges issued as a result of you or your additional drivers using the vehicle. Fines and charges could include:

  • All parking fines or charges
  • Toll charges
  • Towing charges especially following an immobilization of the vehicle within the frame of the Mountain law (See Tariff conditions)
  • Clamping costs
  • Traffic fines or charges
  • Speeding fines
  • Fines or charges related to a non-compliance with the vehicle equipment obligations in the areas concerned by the Mountain law
  • And any other charges or fines

If a fine or charge is sent to us because you haven't paid a charge or complied with the law, we will take payment for:

  • Our adminstration fee for each fine or charge which will be charged in the currency of the country where the fine occured
  • Plus the fine or charge if we have to pay it

The administration fees for France are sprcified in our tariff conditions.

I've left the interior of the vehicle very dirty and made it smell.  Will I be charged to clean it?
Yes, if the interior of the vehicle is especially muddy, dirty, stained or smelly, and our standard cleaning procedure will not fix it, you will be charged a Specialist Cleaning Charge of 120 EUR.

Roadside Assistance

What happens if I break down because of a mechanical failure?
All our vehicles are maintained to the manufacturer's standards, and they're roadworthy when you pick them up so mechanical failure in our vehicles is rare. So long as you're using the vehicle in a country we've agreed to, we provide roadside assistance or recovery free of charge. You can only use our roadside assistance provider to help you. You'll find their contact details inside the vehicle.
What happens if I break down because of a non-mechanical failure or in another country?
You must tell us if you break down or have an accident.  If you need roadside assistance, we will arrange this for you but you will have to pay for it.  You will also be charged for any costs we incur getting the vehicle back on the road in the country of rental.  This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Call out and recovery costs of around 168 EUR 
  • Repair costs
  • Loss of use, including on the ground vehcile idle time fee, as per our tariff conditions
  • Repatriation costs
  • An administration fee of 65 EUR.
  • Any costs to take you, and/or any of your passengers to another location
  • Electrical Charge for EV Vehicles (Where the cable is in working order)

What products do you have to protect me if I break down because of a non-mechanical problem?
Roadside Assistance Plus provides roadside assistance if you break down as a result of:

  • Flat batteries
  • Flat tires
  • Keys locked in the vehicle
  • Running out of fuel

Provided you are using the vehicle in a country we have agreed to. You will only need to pay for the costs of any additional items needed to get the vehicle back on the road like fuel or tires.

How much does Roadside Assistance Plus cost?
The price will depend on where you're renting but you can expect it to be between 4.10 EUR and 4.90 EUR a day.

What happens if I don't return the incident report form or European accident form?
If you are involved in an accident, or the vehicle, keys, any accessories, any vehicle documents or any optional extras are damaged, lost or stolen; you must complete and return an incident report form and if available, the European accident report form. 





Rate Requirements

Renters who have indicated a country of residence outside of the US will be required to present a non US issued drivers license and a non US issued passport OR an international airline ticket at the time of rental to qualify for the rate.

Rental Options

If you have added any of the following rental options to your reservations, terms and conditions may apply.


  • Available at participating locations.
  • Minimum age is 25 but may vary by locations, underage surcharges may apply at certain locations.
  • Reliability of directions subject to timing of software implementation as well as that of which has been provided by the maker of the installed maps.
  • I (renter) acknowledge that the rental vehicle may be equipped with GPS (global positioning satellite system). I acknowledge that the satellite system may be limited by atmospheric or topographical conditions. I further acknowledge that the GPS unit may be rendered inoperative if it is tampered with or destroyed and or damaged in an accident or if the satellite systems are obstructed and inoperative.
  • Customer is responsible for all costs in the event of lost, stolen or damaged GPS unit and all of its components.
  • Renter agrees to release and hold Avis harmless for any GPS unit failures. 

Gas Service Option

  • Fees for the Gas Service Option are not included in the Estimated Total.
  • Fees are assessed and applied at the time of rental.
  • Fees vary by location and are determined by current market value of gasoline in surrounding area of rental location and the fuel tank size of rental vehicle.
  • Customer will receive no credit or refund for unused fuel left in tank at time of return.

Roadside Assistance

  • Taxes not included in the Estimated Total will be applied at the time of rental.
  • Roadside Assistance service is available at all participating locations in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, & U.S. Virgin Islands and New Zealand.
  • Roadside Assistance covers the cost for assistance with key replacement, lockouts, tire change service fee, jump starts and emergency fuel delivery (up to 3 gallons).
  • Prohibited use of the vehicle will void this option.


  • Taxes not included in the Estimated Total will be applied at the time of rental.
  • Available at participating U.S. locations  

Other Options

  • Rental options not selected/offered on the website can not be modified online.
  • Taxes not included in the Estimated Total will be applied at the time of rental.
  • Any modifications to these rental options must be made by contacting customer service or can be made at the rental counter.

Rental Terms and Conditions

View the Avis Rental terms and conditions.

If you are booking with Amazon Benefits, additional Amazon Terms and Conditions apply.

SMS Policy

Avis Mobile Notifications is a standard rated subscription alert service providing time-sensitive mobile alerts and MMS to customers that include updates to the customer's current and upcoming rentals, and information about claims or inquiries relating to past rentals. By providing your phone number you agree to receive text messages, including text messages sent by an automatic telephone dialing system ("ATDS"), from us and our service partners regarding your rental. Messaging frequency varies based on customer journey. We will not use an ATDS to send you texts for marketing purposes unless we receive your prior express written consent. You are not required to provide consent in order to purchase any of our goods or services.

To Opt-Out of marketing text messages text "STOP" from your mobile device in response to a marketing text message. You can also manage your preferences to receive marketing text messages by updating your Avis profile at Simply select "No" from the SMS Notifications option in the communication preference section of your profile.

To get help, text "HELP" in response to a text message or email or call 1-800-352-7900.

Carriers Supported (U.S. only)
AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile®, Verizon Wireless, Virgin Mobile USA, U.S. Cellular®, Metro PCS, ACS Wireless, All West Wireless, Bluegrass, Boost USA, Cambridge Telecom, Cellcom, Cellular South, Centennial, Cincinnati Bell, Cricket Communications, Cellular One of East Central Illinois, Appalachian Wireless, Farmer's Mutual Telephone Company, General Communications, Golden State Cellular, PC Management, Inland Cellular, Illinois Valley Cellular, Nex-Tech Wireless, Nucla-Naturita, nTelos, Revol, Silver Star PCS (Gold Star), Snake River PCS, South Central, Syringa, Thumb Cellular, UBET Wireless, Unicel, United Wireless, and West Central Wireless. 
*T-Mobile is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages

Carriers Supported (Canada only)
Aliant Mobility, Bell Mobility, Eastlink, Fido, Mobilicity, MTS, NorthernTel Mobility, Public Mobile, Rogers Wireless, SaskTel Mobility, Telébec Mobilité, TELUS Mobility, Vidéotron, Virgin Mobile Canada, WIND Mobile

Complete Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy:

Avis will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS messages connected with our SMS Gateway. Delivery of SMS messages is subject to effective transmission from your wireless service provider/network operator.

We will only use your information to provide you the services you request and as set forth in our privacy notice which can be found at

Avis does not charge a fee for text messaging service. Standard messaging and data rates may apply, we are not responsible for any charges from a person's service provider that may result from us providing this service. Avis assumes no responsibility for charges incurred by signing up for this text messaging service. Any text messaging fees that you incur will be billed on your individual mobile provider bill.


Towing is not permitted. Vehicles cannot be used to tow or push anything.  A trailer hitch cannot be installed on the vehicles.

Travel Into Other Countries

Vehicles may be driven into Canada with no restrictions. The rental counter must be notified at the time of the rental that you plan to drive into Canada so the location can provide a copy of the "Canadian Non-Resident Insurance Card" or you may download the card here (provided at no cost). Based on availability, one-way rentals may be allowed to some Canada cities.


Mexico:  Vehicles rented at this location are not allowed to travel into Mexico.



You are responsible for payment of all tolls incurred during the rental period. We offer an optional service called e-toll that allows customers to use electronic toll lanes on highways, bridges, tunnels and other tolled passages. All vehicles are pre-equipped to electronically process tolls. If you do not pay cash for tolls, you automatically opt into our e-toll service to which you agree to pay us or our toll program administrator with whom we will share your credit card/debit information for all tolls incurred during your rental and all related fees, charges and penalties. The e-toll fees may take 4-8 weeks after the rental to be billed to your credit card/debit card on file.

The convenience fee for e-Toll usage is $3.95 up to $5.95 USD for each day you use the E-Toll device and there is a maximum of $19.75 up to $29.75 USD per rental month, plus toll charges. There are NO service charges if e-Toll is NOT USED during the rental duration.


Available at participating locations in the following states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia.
If you use the unlimited E-Toll service, all cost of tolls and convenience Fees are included. For this service, you pay a flat fee of $10.99 up to $23.99 USD per each day of the rental period, regardless of whether or not you incur any tolls, or a flat fee of $54.95 up to $119.95 USD per week. E-toll unlimited must be purchased at the beginning of the rental.

If you do not choose e-toll unlimited at the time of rental, you may avoid the standard e-toll fees on any given day during the term of the rental if you ensure the transponder shield box is in the "closed" position and you pay cash for all tolls, use your own adequately funded, properly mounted and compatible electronic toll device to pay for all tolls, or pay the toll authority directly and follow the toll authority rules and requirements.

For more information on tolling, please visit or check at the time of rental.