Alquilar un coche at Aeropuerto Intl de Craiova (CRA)

Hacer una reservación

Aeropuerto Intl de Craiova (CRA)


Calea Bucuresti 325, Craiova, XX, 200785, Romania


(40) 736-333675

Horario de servicio:

Sun 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Mon - Wed 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM and 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM; Thu 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM and 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM; Fri 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM and 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM; Sat 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

HOLIDAY   May  10  closed - closed

Free pickup service available

Información sobre la oficina
Devolución fuera de horas laborales
Estacione el vehículo y ciérrelo con seguro. Coloque el contrato completado y las llaves en el buzón ubicado en el área de devoluciones. Recuerde llevarse sus pertenencias personales.

Términos y condiciones

Política estándar de conductores adicionales

El conductor del vehículo es el titular del contrato de alquiler
Todos los conductores adicionales deben cumplir con los mismos requisitos de edad mínima y licencia de conducir que el cliente principal.
Solo los conductores incluidos en el contrato de alquiler del vehículo tienen derecho a conducir el vehículo de alquiler de Avis. El titular del contrato debe notificar a la oficina de alquiler de vehículos de Avis en relación con cualquier conductor adicional para que sea incluido en el contrato, en el momento de retirar el vehículo. Se cobrará una tarifa adicional de 7 EUR por día, por un máximo de 10 días. La cantidad de conductores adicionales se limita a 4. Las restricciones para ciertos grupos de vehículos y complementos, según la edad y la experiencia del conductor, también se aplican en el caso de conductores adicionales. Si el vehículo es conducido por un conductor que no ha sido autorizado por Avis (es decir, que no se ha incluido en el contrato de alquiler del vehículo) y el vehículo resulta dañado, todo el costo será pagado por el titular del contrato (hasta el precio total del vehículo, independientemente del tipo de protección comprado al inicio del contracto). El titular del contrato también pagará todo costo adeudado por daños causados a terceros.


Puede pagar el costo del alquiler en efectivo al final del período de alquiler. Los pagos en efectivo se pueden realizar en RON, conforme a la legislación aplicable. Al retirar el vehículo, debe presentar una tarjeta de crédito o débito para que Avis pueda bloquear el monto del costo estimado del alquiler y del seguro opcional (accidente o robo), así también el equivalente a un tanque lleno de combustible.

Coberturas Opcionales

¡IMPORTANTE! Si decide comprar una protección adicional o un seguro de un proveedor externo, de todas maneras tendrá que pagar si el vehículo es robado o dañado. Para hacer esto, debe seguir los pasos descritos a continuación:
- Pagar la totalidad de los montos adeudados a Avis por daños o robo del vehículo hasta la responsabilidad máxima acordada con Avis.
- Presentar una reclamación por compensación a su proveedor externo. Es su responsabilidad asegurarse de comprender los términos de cualquier cobertura que adquiera de un proveedor externo y cualquier reclamación que haga. Lamentablemente, no podemos ayudarlo con la reclamación.

Las coberturas de seguro globales de Avis siempre están sujetas a cambio. Verifique al momento del alquiler.

Servicios de protección opcional en caso de accidente del vehículo: CDW (Exoneración en caso de daños por colisión)
Si elige la opción de la CDW, esto reducirá la responsabilidad financiera del cliente, independientemente de la culpa, al límite obligatorio mínimo por daños o pérdida de un vehículo de alquiler o los accesorios o partes del vehículo, excepto en casos de robo o vandalismo del vehículo. La póliza de CDW reduce la responsabilidad civil a un monto que varía entre 892.50 EUR y 2,380.00 EUR.
Condiciones de la CDW
Estos servicios de protección opcional deben ser elegidos al comienzo del período de alquiler y según lo estipulado en el contrato de alquiler del vehículo.
No aplicable
Independientemente de si usted opta por una CDW o no, el titular del contrato es responsable de la totalidad de los costos de los daños si el daño fue causado por lo siguiente:

  • usar el vehículo con fines distintos a los indicados por el fabricante o la legislación pertinente;
  • usar el vehículo en áreas o caminos que no están incluidos en la red de tráfico público, en caminos o segmentos de caminos no pavimentados o en áreas donde los vehículos no están permitidos o en caminos que representan un riesgo de daño para el vehículo, o si el daño fue causado después de la entrada en una zona con restricciones con respecto a calibre y tonelaje;
  • usar el vehículo en servicios de taxi o lecciones de conducción;
  • uso del vehículo por una persona que no posee una licencia de conducir válida para ese tipo de vehículo o cuya licencia de conducir ha sido suspendida, anulada o confiscada;
  • uso del vehículo por una persona que está bajo la influencia del alcohol, drogas o medicamentos con efectos similares, o una persona se ha negado, o ha evitado, entregar muestras biológicas o toxicológicas o que haya abandonado la escena del accidente, a menos que dicho un acto esté permitido por la legislación vigente;
  • uso del vehículo por una persona que, en el momento en que ocurrió el accidente, cometió deliberadamente un delito o intentó escaparse después de cometer un delito;
  • llevar o transportar materiales inflamables, explosivos, corrosivos, oxidantes, tóxicos, radioactivos, perjudiciales, peligrosos o ilegales;
  • usar el vehículo en lechos de río, áreas inundadas o áreas cubiertas por agua (en la carretera o fuera de la carretera), sin cumplir con las instrucciones del fabricante en cuanto a la conducción en tales condiciones; inmovilización causada por agua que se mete en el motor;
  • dañar deliberadamente el vehículo;
  • ajustar equipo en la parte exterior del vehículo, que puede causar daño al vehículo (por ejemplo, soportes de techo, soportes para bicicletas, calcomanías, etc.);
  • vender, extraer cualquiera de sus partes, desechar cualquier accesorio opcional, así como también permitir que lo haga otra persona;
  • empujar o remolcar un remolque o cualquier otro vehículo;
  • usar el vehículo en situaciones que no cumplen con las instrucciones del fabricante con respecto a la capacidad de carga máxima, uso erróneo de combustible, uso indebido del embrague y los cambios, evaluación incorrecta del medidor del vehículo, uso continuo del vehículo a pesar de las señales de alarma encendidas en el tablero, realización de cambios en el vehículo;
  • usar el vehículo para cualquier tipo de carreras o competencias automovilísticas (incluidas las sesiones de práctica), rallies, pruebas de velocidad y pruebas de resistencia;
  • subalquilar el vehículo a un tercero;
  • si el titular del contrato o el conductor adicional no detiene el vehículo después de que se ha producido un accidente o no realiza las acciones necesarias: p. ej., informar a la policía, anotar el nombre y la dirección de las partes involucradas y/o los testigos;
  • conducir el vehículo sin cumplir con los límites de carga, el velocidad, de acuerdo al permiso de circulación del vehículo;
  • conducción del vehículo por personas no autorizadas, es decir, conductores menores de edad o conductores que no se han incluido en el contrato de alquiler del vehículo;
  • no acatar los semáforos, no respetar las luces de los cruces de ferrocarril o la señal ALTO, conducir a exceso de velocidad, conducir en el lado incorrecto del camino, conducir en la dirección equivocada en calles de una vía;
  • daños causados al motor, las ruedas, los neumáticos y el interior del vehículo, debajo de la carrocería del vehículo o si el daño no es el resultado directo de un accidente de conducción;
  • daños causados debido a intentos de robo del GPS/WIFI/ asientos de seguridad para niños del vehículo o artículos personales;
  • daño del parabrisas si no es ocasionado por una colisión con otro vehículo.

Si el vehículo es conducido por un conductor que no ha sido autorizado por Avis (una persona que no se menciona en el contrato de alquiler) y hay daño, todo el daño o cualquier daño ocasionado a un tercero es asumido por el titular (hasta el precio total del vehículo, independientemente del tipo de protección comprado al momento de firmar el contrato). El servicio de protección adicional: CDW, no es válido fuera Rumania, sin el consentimiento de la oficina de alquiler del vehículo para abandonar el país. La cobertura de seguro que cubre el vehículo fuera de las fronteras de Rumania está sujeta a condiciones y cargos especiales.

Servicios de protección opcionales en caso de robo del vehículo: TPC (Cobertura de protección contra robo)
Si usted decide comprar una cobertura TPC, reduce el nivel de la responsabilidad financiera máxima que tendrá si el vehículo es robado. Sin embargo, usted es responsable del daño dentro de la responsabilidad estipulada en el contrato de alquiler del vehículo. La póliza de TPC reduce la responsabilidad a un monto que varía entre 892.50 EUR y 2,380.00 EUR.
Avis deberá reembolsar el monto facturado si la responsabilidad de un tercero se demuestra claramente.
Condiciones de la TPC
Este servicio de protección opcional debe ser elegido al comienzo del período de alquiler y según lo estipulado en el contrato de alquiler del vehículo. Si el vehículo es robado, usted debe presentar una denuncia ante las autoridades responsables y notificar a la agencia de Avis más cercana, no más de 4 horas después de descubrir el robo, y también proporcionar a la agencia el comprobante de que usted ha presentado una denuncia y entregar las llaves y los documentos del vehículo. Si la llave y/o los documentos del vehículo también han sido robados, también debe mencionar este hecho cuando presente la denuncia.
El servicio

Credit Card Policies

At the time of the rental, you must provide Avis with a valid credit card or debit card. The card must belong to the Contract Holder. You can pay for the value of the rental using a credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover (debit or credit)) or an Avis Charge Card.
If you want to rent a premium car, included in the G, O and P categories of cars, you must present two different credit cards, one of which must be either American Express or Diners Club.
For car Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, K, L, N, you need 1 credit card or 1 debit card. For car Groups G, O and P, you need 2 credit cards.
An amount to cover the estimated cost of renting, optional products and services, the amount of responsibility in case of theft or accident and the equivalent of a full tank of fuel must be available on the credit or debit card account. In cases when early payments were made, they will be taken into account.
Avis issues a hold on an amount on the contract holder’s card. The latter should ensure there are sufficient funds available. Payment will be processed upon Vehicle return, at the end of the rental contract.

Debit Card Policies

Debit cards are not accepted.

Drivers License

Both the renter, as well as the additional drivers must hold a driver's license issued at least one year prior to the rental date.
To rent a car in Romania, all drivers have to submit to the rental office a valid driving license that corresponds to the car group of the requested vehicle. A valid driving license means both a national driving license with an expiry date greater than or equal to the estimated date of the vehicle handing over and the international driving license if they:

  • hold a driving license issued in Europe and rent in a country from outside Europe
  • or hold a driving license issued in a non-European country and rent a car outside of that country
  • or hold a driving license that is not written in Latin characters such as Arabic, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, or Japanese.

If they do not comply with the above provisions on the international driving license, all drivers driving in Romania may be charged with driving without a valid license. Their driving license may be retained by the Road Police because it has not been accompanied by an international license and they may be prosecuted. They will no longer be able to drive their rented car and will have to make other arrangements for returning the car, which would result in additional costs. 

An International Driving Permit (IDP) serves only as a translation of a driver's existing license, and by itself is not acceptable for vehicle rental.

Personal Accident Insurance

We offer you the possibility to take a complementary insurance which covers:

  • bodily injuries and death of the passengers and/or driver;
  • emergency medical expenses
  • medical support 24/7.

Avis proposes the following type of personal insurance in Romania: Personal Accident Insurance (PAI). It reimburses the driver and the passengers for unintentional bodily injures they might suffer during the rental period and for emergency medical expenses, within the guarantee limits mentioned hereinafter. If you choose a PAI, you will benefit from coverage for the following risks:

  •   death;
  •   permanent disability;
  •   permanent functional and aesthetic consequences of injuries, burns or frostbites;
  •   temporary loss of work capabilities ¿ hospital periods/medical leave (out of hospital treatment).

PAI conditions
This type of personal additional insurance must be signed at the beginning of the rental period and must be included in the Car Rental Agreement. The enforcement of this type of insurance is subject to respecting the conditions for renting a car, especially territorial validity. The coverage for the Personal accidents¿ insurance will not cumulate with that of any other individual insurance or that of any life insurance that the driver or the passengers may already have. For other guarantees, you can recover the claim from other insurers that offer identical guarantees with those of PAI. For each insured person, the reimbursement in case of death or disability caused by the same accident cannot be cumulated. Reimbursement is subject to providing documents proving any expenses. Failure to comply with the rental conditions will lead to any optional insurance to become void. Personal Accident Insurance is provided by an authorized insurance company and is intermediated by Avis Romania.



Public Liability and Property Damage

Third party liability insurance is included in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Third party liability insurance guarantees the financial consequences of any injuries or material damage which the driver may cause to third parties while driving the car.

third party liability does not include:

- injuries suffered by the driver and/or the passengers of the car (especially in case of an accident
- damage caused to the car

- damage caused to merchandise, objects and animals transported in the car

You are liable for any material damagecaused to the car and theft of the car, up to the maximum financial liability.

Please ask for information from an Avis agent when you pick up the car.


Public liability insurance is with in accordance of the insurance laws of the country.

Customer may inquire for additional information of the benefits, conditions and acceptance at the time of rental.

Note: Some credit cards provide insurance coverage, with certain limitations, as a benefit of using the card to rent vehicles. The customer is advised to contact the card issuer before the rental. Any waiver must be discussed directly with the location upon arrival.

After Hours Information

Certain car rental offices allow you to pick up or to return a car at hours which are not the normal working hours, and you will be offered assistance in doing so by an Avis agent. However, please note that an additional fee of EUR 45.00 shall be charged. Please check to see if you have this option at the Avis rental office in your area or check with the Reservation department.

Age Requirements

In Romania, the minimum age for driving a car is 18 years.
Drivers of the Rented Vehicle (contract holder and/or additional drivers) 25 years of age at the rental date and having a valid driving license of at least 1 year that corresponds to the requested vehicle category (car group) may rent Avis vehicles from all available car groups.
Drivers (contract holders and/or additional drivers) younger than 21 years of age, young drivers (21-24 years old), beginners (driving license less than one year old) and senior drivers (over age 70 years) can rent Avis vehicles only from certain car groups and/or conditionally paying for supplements.
Available car groups if age at rental moment is 21 - 24 years and driving license issued at least one year prior to the rental date: A, B, C and J. An additional fee will be charged as follows: EUR 7 per rental day, for a maximum of 10 chargeable days.
If the renter and/or the additional driver is/are between 18 and 20 years of age and holds/hold a driver's licence issued more than one year prior, he/she can rent a type A and B car. An additional fee will be charged as follows: EUR 45 for each rental day.
Individuals who hold a driver's license which was issued less than one year prior to the rent al date may also rent a car from category A or B, but an additional fee of EUR 45 each day will be charged.
If the renter and/or the additional driver is/are over 70 years of age, an additional fee will be charged as follows: EUR 7 per rental day, for a maximum of 10 chargeable days.

Collecting and Returning Your Vehicle


Estimated Totals

The basic rental fee is comprised of a daily fee or/and a kilometer fee, calculated in compliance with the applicable fees. This fee includes:

  • third party liability insurance;
  • road tax valid in Romania (it does not cover any special bridge tolls, where applicable);
  • technical support for the car, 24/7. This service includes repairs or towing fees and/or offering a replacement car if the car becomes unusable due to an accident, a technical problem or a fire. This technical support service will not be provided if the car becomes unusable due to the fact that the car keys have been lost, the car has been locked with the keys inside, the battery is low due to unsuitable use, the wrong type of fuel has been used and/or the tires are damaged.

The following costs may be added to the basic rental fee when necessary:
¿ the cost of fuel, in compliance with Chapter 1.6.c. Fuel
¿ the cost of optional protection services and personal accident insurance (PAI), offered by Avis in accordance with your request;
¿ the costs incurred with other surcharges and optional services mentioned hereinafter. You can get more information on this from the Avis Rental office.
The tariffs which include zero responsibility in case of accident or theft do not include zero responsibility in case of damage to the car windshield, this protection may be the subject of an additional billing. Anything not expressly included in the rental charge, meaning any amount unpaid by the Customer at the end of the Contract, as well as other amounts subsequently incurred (cost of extending the rental period, fines, penalties, taxes, etc.) or repair costs of the car following damages incurred during the contractual period, will be subject to separate invoicing, in particular:
¿ technical assistance for Vehicle 24/7 in the event of immobilization related to the loss of the Vehicle keys, the locking of the vehicle with the keys inside, the discharge of the battery due to negligence in use, fuel misuse, tire damage and all consequences of such immobilizations;

  • loss or theft of the Vehicle and/or keys;
  • repairing damages to the Vehicle;
  • administrative charges representing the cost of administrative procedures incurred by Avis for transmitting the driver's data to the finding bodies when requested and/or the amount of fines paid by Avis as well as administrative fees related to the processing and payment of fines, as the case may be.


As User of the Vehicle, during the rental, you are legally and financially responsible for the failure to comply with the legislation in effect and you must pay the fines issued by any authorized institution, within the terms provided by law. The failure to comply with the legislation in effect refers strictly to the User/Driver, and not to the vehicle or to the owner of the vehicle.
Upon request from the authorities, and in compliance with the applicable legislation, Avis shall give your contact details in order for you to be sent any fines, in accordance with any contravention you are guilty of. In all these situations, Avis shall invoice any contravention with a fee of EUR 35 representing the costs of the administrative procedures incurred by Avis in sending your contact details to the authorities.
In the event of non-payment of any other charges provided by the legislation in force, both on the territory of Romania and in other countries for road taxes, bridging fees, parking fees at airports or special spaces of limited duration, fines resulting from noncompliance with traffic rules found and/or proven by technical means (cases of objective liability for the liability of the legal owner of the vehicle) Avis will charge the actual amount of the fine to the customer plus an administration fee of EUR 23.80 (VAT included)/fine.
Administrative charges and/or fines may, as the case may be, be charged by Avis on the customer's credit/debit card upon notification by e-mail of documents relating to contraventions or other traffic deviations during the rental period, according to the findings of the related bodies or institutions.

Fuel Policy

Specific information for this location is not available at this time.

Travel Into Other Countries

Premium category cars (group G), 4x4 cars/SUV (groups H, O and P), cargo vans (group N) and 8/9 minivans (group L), cannot be driven outside Romanian borders. All the other cars may only travel in the following European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia*, the Czech Republic, France*, Germany, Greece*, Hungary, Italy*, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia.
*Only the continental part of the country. It is forbidden to take the car to the islands.
If you are granted permission to leave Romanian territory, you will have to pay a border crossing surcharge of EUR 50 -150.
The vehicles are allowed to cross borders only with a prior written approval of the Avis rental office or of the Reservations Department.
Outside the countries mentioned above, any personal insurance and any optional protection services which might have been included in the rental become void and you shall be held liable for any damage caused to the car, within the car market value, plus any expenses and costs incurred with car towing and transport. At the same time, the titleholder of the Agreement shall also pay for any damage caused to a third party. The driver of the car is not considered a third party.


You can pay for the cost of the rental using a voucher issued by an intermediary (tourist agency, broker) or a voucher issued at the time of the booking, if you opted for online payment or advance payment for the estimated cost of the rental. Voucher payments whose value is expressed in convertible currencies will be calculated based on the currency exchange rate valid at the time of the rental. If you choose to pay in another currency than the one used by Avis,  we will make the calculation based on the currency exchange rate applicable at the time of the payment. Also, when picking up the car, you must provide a credit card so that Avis can block the amount for the estimated cost of the rental and that of the optional insurance (accident or theft), as well as the equivalent of a full tank of fuel.