Alquilar un coche at Mar Del Plata DT

Hacer una reservación

Mar Del Plata DT (M4P)


2450, Colon Av, Mar Del Plata, XX, 7602, Argentina


(54) 223 495 6737

Horario de servicio:

Mon - Fri 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sat 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Información sobre la oficina
Devolución fuera de horas laborales
Estacione el vehículo y ciérrelo con seguro. Coloque el contrato completado y las llaves en el buzón ubicado en el área de devoluciones. Recuerde llevarse sus pertenencias personales.

Términos y condiciones

Coberturas Opcionales

La Exoneración en caso de pérdida o daños (LDW) es opcional
La compra de la cobertura LDW reduce la responsabilidad civil del cliente dependiendo del grupo al que pertenezca el vehículo alquilado. Cuando se adquiere los montos se reducirán en caso de un accidente, robo o que el vehículo Avis se vuelque. Los montos son los siguientes: 

  • Económico, económico (automático), intermedio e intermedio (automático) Intermedio: el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de hasta 206,611.57 ARP; si se rechaza la cobertura LDW, el NWE es de hasta 413,223.14 APR; o si el vehículo se vuelca, el NWE es de hasta 826,446.28 APR. 
  • Grande, estándar, estándar (automático), SUV estándar, mini van, camioneta comercial mini: el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de 289,256.20 ARP; si se rechaza la cobertura LDW, el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de 537,190.08 ARP; o si el vehículo se vuelca, el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de 1,239,669.42 ARP.
  • SUV estándar (automático), SUV estándar, grande (automático), camioneta pick-up 4WD grande y SUV Premium: el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de 371,900.83 ARP; si se rechaza la cobertura LDW, el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de 648,760.33 ARP; o si el vehículo se vuelca, el exceso no exonerable (NWE) es de 1,652,892.56 ARP

Solo de venta en el mostrador

Opción de reducción del deducible (DRO): consulte en la oficina para obtener detalles y el costo.

La Protección contra robo (TP) está incluida en la cobertura de LDW.
Nota: Se retendrá el monto de responsabilidad civil en la tarjeta de pago.  La retención del monto en la tarjeta de pago se aplicará independientemente de que la póliza de LDW se acepte o se rechace.  El monto retenido en la tarjeta de pago no cubrirá vuelco del vehículo.
Si requiere de cobertura adicional, puede adquirirla en su localidad para reducir/eliminar el monto de exceso del seguro.  Solicite más información en el mostrador de alquiler de Avis cuando pase a recoger su vehículo.

Las coberturas de seguro globales siempre están sujetas a cambio. Verifique al momento del alquiler.

Credit Card Policies

Avis Argentina accepts Avis Charge Cards, American Express, Mastercard and Visa.  At the time of rental, we will request an authorization of the Non-waivable Excess (NWE) on your charge card, which varies depending on car group rented. For NWE amounts for Non-waivable Excess (NWE) if LDW is accepted or Non-waivable Excess (NWE) if LDW declined, please see Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) section.
Note - The Non-waivable (NWE) for Overturn is not held as a deposit on the charge card.

Debit Card

Debit cards are not accepted.

Debit Card Policies

Debit cards are not accepted.

Drivers License

A valid driver's license from country of residence is required.  International driving permit (IDP) is required only for countries with non-Roman alphabet to serve as a translation.  Foreign visitors must also present a valid passport in the same name and Argentinean citizens must also present his/her National Identity Document.

Public Liability and Property Damage

Information not available at this time, please check at time of rental.

Information not available at this time, please check at time of rental.

Public liability insurance is in accordance with the insurance laws of the country.  Customer may inquire at the time of rental for additional information of the benefits, conditions and acceptance.

Note: Some credit cards provide insurance coverage, with certain limitations, as a benefit of using the card to rent vehicles.  The customer is advised to contact the card issuer before the rental.  Any waiver must be discussed directly with the location upon arrival.

Additional Driver Policy

Additional drivers must meet the same restrictions as the primary driver. Be present at the time of rental.  Present valid drivers license.  Pass DMV check or sign driving record addendum (where applicable). Sign the additional driver form. 
Additional Drivers Fee: 4132.23 ARP per rental, per additional driver, plus tax.  
Additional drivers between the ages of 18 and 21 will be charged a Young Driver Surcharge of 1652.89 per day, per additional driver in addition to the Additional Driver Fee.

Age Requirements

At this location the minimum age is 21 for all car groups.  

Young Driver Fee: A charge of 1652.89 ARP per day per driver, will apply for drivers age 18-21.

Fuel Policy

Specific information for this location is not available at this time.

Travel Into Other Countries

Vehicles can be returned to other Avis locations within this country based on car availability.Vehicles can be driven into Brazil and Chile but must be returned back to Argentina.
Cars must be returned in Argentina’s locations. 
Mechanical assistance and towing service are given exclusively within the territory of Argentina. If the rented car malfunctions outside said territory, the customer must provide the means to return the car to a location in Argentina. 
If the car should be returned in a different office from where it was picked up, there will be an additional fee. 
The customer must place the Reservation at least 7 working days prior to the pick-up date. When doing so, they must request the authorization to cross borders into the chosen country. These reservations are not automatically confirmed, since our locations must check and acknowledge that the requested border crossing can be honored, therefore if said authorization cannot be granted, the car will be rented without the border crossing permit. If the request is confirmed, the customer must provide their credit card information (number, expiration date, security code) to secure the permit.
Cross border fees will be paid at the moment of pick up.
Should the customer cancel the Reservation less than 48 working hours prior to the pick-up date and time, an administrative fee will be charged to their credit card, of the same amount as the cross border fee. 
This service can only be booked by phone through the Reservation Center 0810-9991-2847 or e-mail, with at last 7 days in advanced.
The following locations allow travel into Brazil with no additional charge for crossing border. Cordoba, Corrientes, Escobar, Formosa, Iguazu, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Parana, Pilar, Posadas, Resistencia, Rosario, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estrero.
Note - Customers can only cross from Argentina to Foz do Iguazu, Brazil and travel no more than 50 KM into Brazil.
The following locations allow travel into Chile with 137,190.08 ARP fee (tax included) for crossing border. Bahia Blanca, Bariloche, Comodoro Rivadavia, El Calafate, Esquel, Mendoza, Neuquen, Puerto Madryn, Rio Gallegos, San Juan, San Luis, San Martin de Andes, Trelew, Viedma.
The following locations allow travel into Chile with 137,190.08 ARP fee (tax included)  for crossing border. Jujuy*, Tucuman*, Rio Grande**, Ushuaia**.
*Note - only for rentals with a minimum of 6 consecutive days for car groups G and N.
**Note - Rio Grande and Ushuaia are on an island that shares a border with Chile. To cross to this island portion of Argentina, roads travel through Chile. Only for rentals with a minimum of 6 consecutive days. A border permit is required the cost is 137,190.08 ARP (taxes included).
Must contact the reservation center or the location direct for availability and additional details.Cross border is not allowed into Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. 
One-way rentals outside this country are not allowed. 

Personal Effects Protection (PEP)

Personal Effects Protection (PEP) - Not Available



Avis and Avis-honored vouchers are accepted as payment only. Renters must also present an Avis-honored credit card.